Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Microsoft Access 2000 keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcut keys for Microsoft Access 2000 keyboard shortcuts

Microsoft Access 2000 file menu keyboard shortcuts keys

ALTClose the visible menu and submenu at the same time; works with menu commands.
ALT+ letter key, where key is the underlined letter in the field or menu cmndSelect a menu or select or clear the check box by the letter underlined in the menu command; works within windows and dialog boxes.
ALT 1Go to previous folder; use within the Open, File New Database and Export dialog boxes in Microsoft Access.
ALT+2Open the folder one level up from the open folder (Up One Level button); use within the Open, File New Database and Export dialog boxes.
ALT+3Close the open dialog box and opens your World Wide Web search page (Search the Web button); use when working in the Open, File New Database and Export dialog boxes.
ALT+4Delete the selected folder or file; use within the Open, File New Database and Export dialog boxes.
ALT+5Create a new subfolder in the open folder; use within the Open, File New Database and Export dialog boxes.
ALT+6Switch between List, Details, Properties, and Preview views (click the arrow next to Views); use within the Open, File New Database and Export dialog boxes.
ALT 7Display the Tools menu; use within the Open, File New Database and Export dialog boxes in Microsoft Access.
ALT+AOpen Answer Wizard (In Help menu); use within Help menu.
ALT+A and ENTERUse from the field list to add table and fields to the data access page when working in Design view.
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the right of the cursor.
CTRL SHFT TABExit the subform and move to the previous field in the main form or previous record in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+SHFT+F8+LEFT ARROWActivate Move mode; then press the LEFT ARROW key to move selected columns to the left.
CTRL SHFT TABGo to the previous tab when working in Help dialog box in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+SHFT+TABExit the subdatasheet and move to the first field of the following record in the datasheet.
CTRL+SHFT+TAB or CTRL+PAGE UPGo to the previous tab when working in a tabbed dialog box.
CTRL SHFT UP ARROWCollapse the subdatasheet in Microsoft Access.
ALT+CDisplay Contents dialog box; use within Help menu.
ALT+DOWN ARROWDisplay more Help topics; works when using Office Assistant.
ALT+DOWN ARROWExpand a list inside a table while working in a Database Diagram.
ALT+DOWN ARROWOpen a selected drop-down menu; works within a dialog box.
ALT+ENTERDisplay the properties of a selected item while working in a window.
ALT ENTERDisplay the PivotTable Property Toolbar in Microsoft Access.
ALT+F+D+ASend the active database object as an E-Mail message.
ALT+F11Switch between the Visual Basic Editor and the previous window; works within a window.
ALT+F4Quit Microsoft Access, close a dialog box, or close a property sheet; works within an open window.
ALT F4Close the active Help window in Microsoft Access.
ALT+F4Close the PivotTable Property Toolbar.
ALT ISwitch to Index tab while working in Help menu in Microsoft Access.
ALT+KCheck the names in the To, Cc and Bcc fields against the Address Book while sending an E-Mail.
ALT LEFT ARROWGo to a previously viewed Help topic in Microsoft Access.
ALT+NCreate a new table, query, form, report, data access page, macro, or module when working with a database or spreadsheet.
ALT+numberSelect a Help topic while using Office Assistant. (where hitting key for 1 selects the leftmost option, 2 the next, and so on)
ALT+ODisplay Options dialog box (in Help menu).
ALT+PAGE DOWNDisplay the next screen to the right while working within Pivot Table Wizard.
ALT+PAGE UPDisplay the previous screen to the left while working within Pivot Table Wizard.
ALT RIGHT ARROWGo to a previously viewed a Help topic while in the Help dialog box in Microsoft Access.
ALT+SHFT+F11Move between the Microsoft Script Editor window and the previous window.
ALT+SHFT+TABMove from active application window to previously active application window.
ALT+SPACEBAROpen the menu of the leftmost icon on the main toolbar bar of the active window; this menu typically contains the following commands: Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize and Close.
ALT+SPACEBARDisplay the Control menu while working from Help menu.
ALT SPACEBARDisplay the Control menu while working from Help menu in Microsoft Access.
ALT+TABMove from active application window to the previously used application window; to select an application from a list of the open applications, hold ALT down and press TAB more than once to move through the list.
ALT+UP ARROWDisplay previously viewed Help topics while using Office Assistant.
CTRL+SHFT+BOpen the Address Book when sending an E-Mail.
CTRL SHFT DOWN ARROWExpand a record's subdatasheet from the datasheet in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+SHFT+F6Go to the previous database window.
CTRL+SHFT+F8+RIGHT ARROWActivate Move mode; then press the RIGHT ARROW key to move selected columns to the right.
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the left of the cursor.
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROWTo extend selection one word to the left.
CTRL+SPACEBARSelect or unselect the active column, in Navigation mode only.
CTRL+SPACEBARSelect an entire grid column while navigating in the Query Designer - Grid Panes mode.
CTRL SPACEBARSelect the field for the currently selected item of data, total or detail cell when working in a Pivot Table list in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+TABMove through the tabs of each object's type when navigating and opening objects in Access.
CTRL+TABExit the subform and move to the next field in the master form or next record when working in Form view.
CTRL+TABMove to the next tab on a tabbed, Help dialog box.
CTRL+TABExit the subdatasheet and move to the last field of the previous record in the datasheet.
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove to the next tab on a tabbed dialog box.
CTRL TAB or CTRL SHFT TABSelect the next or previous toolbar in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+UP ARROWMove to the current field in the first record, in Navigation mode.
CTRL+UP ARROWMove to the top of the active page when working in Access Print Preview and Layout Preview mode.
CTRL+UP ARROWMove the selected control up when working in Access Form and Report Design view.
CTRL+UP ARROWMove to the first row in the current column when working in Access Query Designer -Grid Panes mode.
CTRL+UP ARROWMove the selected control up by a pixel (regardless of the page's grid) when working in Access Design view.
CTRL+VPaste a copied item(s) from the Clipboard into a selected location (You also can choose Paste from the Edit menu.).
CTRL VPaste the contents of the Clipboard in the upper-left corner of the selected section when working in Form and Report Design view in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+VPaste a copied item(s) from the Clipboard into a selected location when working in Query Designer-Grid Panes (You also can choose Paste from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+VPaste a copied item(s) from the Clipboard into a selected location when working in dat access page Design view (You also can choose Paste from the Edit menu).
CTRL+W or CTRL+F4Close the active datasheet window.
CTRL+XCopy and remove the selected item(s) from their original location to the Clipboard. (You also can choose the Cut command from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+Z or ALT+BACKSPACEUndo the last action; note: some actions, like Shutdown, cannot be undone (You also can choose Undo from the Edit menu.).
DELETEDelete the selected item(s), or to delete the character to the right of the cursor; if items are files they will be moved to the Recycle Bin.
DELETEDelete the selected item(s), or to delete the character to the right of the cursor; if items are files they will be moved to the Recycle Bin.
DOWN ARROWTo move down one line in a Combo box, list box or Database window in Microsoft Access.
DOWN ARROWMove to the same field in the next record when navigating in Access Datasheet view.
DOWN ARROWScroll down a window or document in small increments when working in Access Print Preview or Layout Preview.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next book or Help topic in Microsoft Access.
DOWN ARROWScroll toward the end of a Help topic.
DOWN ARROWScroll through the items in a drop-down list, moving from top to bottom.
DOWN ARROWUse when starting from the datasheet in order to bypass the subdatasheet and move to the next record in the datasheet.
DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW (with the menu or submenu displayed)Select the next or previous command on the menu or submenu.
ENDGo to the end of the entry when editing a text box.
ENDGo to the last object in database window in Microsoft Access.
ENDGo to the end of the field, in single-line fields.
ENDGo to the last field in the current record, when working in Access Navigation mode.
ENDGo to the end of a Help topic.
ENDGo to the last cell in the row or to the end of the active cell.
END OR CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove to the right edge of the page when working in Access Print Preview and Layout Preview.
ENTERPerform the action assigned to the selected default button in a dialog box.
ENTERRestore a selected minimized program window when all windows are minimized.
ENTEROpen the selected table or query in Datasheet view, or form in Form view.
ENTEROpen the selected report in Print Preview in Microsoft Access.
ENTERRun a selected macro.
ENTEROpen the selected data access page in Page Preview.
ENTEROpen or close a selected book, or open a selected Help topic.
ENTERActivate a selected hyperlink in Microsoft Access.
ENTERMove from a table's title bar to the last cell edited in a Database Diagram.
ENTERSelect an item in a list and move to the next cell in a Database Diagram.
ENTERPerform the action assigned to a selected button on a toolbar.
ENTEROpen a selected menu on a toolbar.
ENTEREnter text in a selected text box.
ENTER or ALT+OOpen the selected table or query in Datasheet view, or form in Form view.
ESCClose the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, close the submenu only.
ESCCancel a command and close the dialog box in Microsoft Access.
ESCClose an Office Assistant message or tip.
ESCCancel Extend mode command.
ESCUndo changes in the current field or current record; if both have been changed, press ESC twice to undo changes first in the current field and then in the current record.
ESCClose a pop-up window in Help in Microsoft Access.
ESCMove from a table cell to the table's title bar when working in database Diagram.
ESCClose a shortcut menu without carrying out a command when working in a Pivot Table.
ESCCancel a Refresh command in progress when working in a Pivot Table.
ESC (when a drop-down list box is selected)Close a selected drop-down list in a dialog box.
F1Display Help or the Office Assistant in Microsoft Access.
F1Display the Office Assistant or Microsoft Access Contents and Index; context-sensitive help about the selected property, control, macro action, or Visual Basic keyword; or alerts with a Help button.
F1Display Help topics when working in a Pivot Table.
F10Activate, or select, the main toolbar beginning with the first toolbar option on the left, usually File; after the first option is activated you can navigate through toolbar and menu options using the appropriate ARROW keys; press F10 or ALT again
F11 or ALT+F1Bring the Database window to the front.
F12 or ALT+F2Display Save As dialog box (file menu).
F2Display the complete hyperlink address for a selected hyperlink.
F2Rename a selected object when working in Database window.
F2Move between Edit mode (with insertion point displayed) and Navigation mode when working in Design view.
F2Move between Edit mode and Cell Selection mode when navigating in the Query Designer -Grid Panes.
F4 or ALT+DOWN ARROWOpen a combo box.
F5Update the files visible in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu).
F5Move to Form view from Form design or a Form module when working in Access Design view.
F5Navigate through records by moving cursor to the record number box, typing the record number and pressing ENTER when working in Datasheet view.
F5Navigate through records by moving cursor to the record number box, typing the record number and pressing ENTER when working in Form view.
F5Navigate through pages by moving cursor to the page number box, typing the page number and pressing ENTER when working in Print Preview and Layout.
F5Refresh the current window (You also can choose Refresh from the View menu.).
F5Navigate in subdatasheet records by moving to the record number box, typing the record number and pressing ENTER.
F6Move between the upper and lower portions of a window when working in Design view of tables, macros, and queries and the Advanced Filter/Sort window only.
F6Move between the navigation pane and topic pane when working with Help menu in Microsoft Access.
F6,SHFT+F6Use by pressing and then clicking anywhere in the target pane when navigating the Query Designer - Any Pane.
F7Display Spelling and Grammar dialog box (Tools Menu).
F8Activate Extend mode; EXT appears in the lower right corner of the window; pressing F8 repeatedly extends the selection to the word, the field, the record (in Datasheet view only), and all records; press ESC to cancel.
F9Refresh the contents of a Lookup field list box or combo box.
F9Recalculate the fields in the window in Microsoft Access.
F9Refresh the PivotTable list from the source data.
HOMEGo to the beginning of the current entry.
HOMEGo to the first object.
HOMEGo to the beginning of the current field, in single-line fields.
HOMEGo to the first field in the current record, when in Access Navigation mode.
HOMEGo to the beginning of a Help topic, with Help dialog box open.
HOMEGo to the first cell in the row, or to the beginning of the current cell.
HOME or CTRL LEFT ARROWGo to the left edge of the current page in Microsoft Access.
HOME or ENDSelect the first or last command on the menu or submenu.
INSERTToggle between insert and overstrike mode while editing a cell.
INSERT after you select any Or... columnInsert an Or... column when navigating the Access Query Designer - Grid Panes mode.
INSERT after you select grid rowInsert a row between existing rows when navigating the Access Query Designer - Grid Panes mode.
LEFT ARROWGo one character to the left of the cursor's current position in the field.
LEFT ARROWScroll to the left of the cursor's current position in small increments when working in Print Preview and Layout Preview.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWWith a menu open, select the menu to the left or right of the original, or, with a submenu visible, switch between the main menu and the submenu.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWMove one character to the left or right in a text box.
LEFT ARROW, or RIGHT ARROWExtend a selection to adjacent fields in the same row in Microsoft Access Datasheet view.
LEFT or RIGHT ARROWSelect a button on the record navigation toolbar when working in Access Page View.
Letter key, where the letter is the same as the first letter in optn you want on a selected menu,Choose a selected menu, drop-down list, or dialog box option by typing the first letter in the option name.
P or CTRL+PTo open the Print dialog box from Print Preview or Layout Preview.
PAGE DOWNMove down one page when using a Combo box or list box.
PAGE DOWNMove down one window when working in Database view in Microsoft Access.
PAGE DOWNScroll down one full screen when working in Print Preview and Layout Preview.
PAGE DOWNScroll toward the end of a Help topic in larger increments.
PAGE DOWNWhen navigating a Database Diagram, scroll to the next page inside a table or the next page of the diagram.
PAGE DOWNWhen working in a Pivot Table list, display the next screen.
PAGE DOWNWhen navigating in Form view, go down one page; at the end of the record, moves to the equivalent page on the next record.
PAGE DOWN or DOWN ARROWIn Print Preview and Layout Preview, view the next page (when Fit To Window is selected).
PAGE UPMove up one page when using a combo box or list box.
PAGE UPMove up one window when working in Database.
PAGE UPGo up one screen when working in Datasheet view in Microsoft Access.
PAGE UPGo up one page when working in Form view; at the end of the record, use to move to the equivalent page on the previous record.
PAGE UPScroll up one full screen when working in Print Preview and Layout Preview.
PAGE UPScroll toward the beginning of a Help topic in larger increments.
PAGE UPWhen navigating a Database diagram, scroll to the previous page inside a table or the previous page of the diagram.
PAGE UPDisplay the previous screen when working with a Pivot Table list in Microsoft Access.
PAGE UP or UP ARROWIn Print Preview and Layout Preview, view the previous page (when Fit To Window is selected).
RIGHT ARROWMove one character to the right of the cursor's current position in a field.
RIGHT ARROWIn Print Preview and Layout Preview, scroll to the right in small increments.
SIn Print Preview and Layout Preview, open the Page Setup dialog box.
SHFT+ARROW KEYExtend or reduce a selection in a Pivot Table list, depending on the direction of the arrow key chosen.
SHFT+CTRL+TABCycle through the tab of each object's type moving right to left.
SHFT DOWN ARROWExtend selection to the next record, if the current record is selected in Microsoft Access.
SHFT+DOWN ARROWIncrease the height of the selected control when working in Form and Report Design view.
SHFT+ENDSelect from the insertion point to the end of the text box entry.
SHFT+ENTERAdd a control to a section when working in Form and Report Design view only.
SHFT+ENTERSave changes to the current record when entering data in the Datasheet or Form view.
SHFT ENTERAdd a control to a section when working in data access page Design view in Microsoft Access.
SHFT+F1Display What's This? help; after pressing SHFT+F1, move the pointer to the menu command, toolbar button, dialog box option, or screen region to see definitions.
SHFT+F10Display a shortcut menu that shows a list of commands relevant to the selected object.
SHFT+F10Display a shortcut menu that shows a list of commands relevant to the selected object.
SHFT+F10Display the shortcut menu for the selected element of the PivotTable list.
SHFT+F2Open the Zoom box to conveniently enter expressions and other text in small input areas.
SHFT+F4Find the previous occurrence of the text specified in the Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed.
SHFT F8Undo a previous selection extension in Microsoft Access.
SHFT+F9Requery the underlying tables; in a subform, this requeries the underlying table for the subform only.
SHFT+HOMESelect from the insertion point in the text box to the beginning of the text box entry.
SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one character to the left of the cursor's position.
SHFT+LEFT ARROWReduce the width of the selected control when working in Form an Report Design view.
SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect the column to the left, if the current column is selected, when working in Datasheet view.
SHFT+PAGE DOWNExtend the selection one screen down.
SHFT PAGE UPReduce a selection by one screen when working with a Pivot Table list in Microsoft Access.
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect by one character to the right of the cursor's current position.
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWIncrease the width of the selected control when working in Form and Report Design view.
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect the column to the right, if the current column is selected, when working in Datasheet view.
SHFT+SPACEBARSwitch between selecting the current record and the first field of the current record, when working in Navigation mode.
SHFT+SPACEBARSelect the entire row containing the currently selected cell when working in a Pivot Table list.
SHFT TABMove to the previous option or option group in a dialog box in Microsoft Access.
SHFT+TABMove to the previous field when navigating in Form view.
SHFT+TABEnter the subform from the following field in the main form when navigating in Form view.
SHFT+TABGo to the last or previous hyperlink in Help.
SHFT+TABSelect the previous field or button in the E-Mail header.
SHFT+TABEnter the subdatasheet from the first field of the following record in the datasheet.
SHFT+TABSelect the previous field or the entire Pivot Table list.
SHFT+TAB, or LEFT ARROWMove to the previous field when navigating in Datasheet view.
SHFT UP ARROWExtend selection to the previous record, if the current record is selected in Microsoft Access.
SHFT+UP ARROWReduce the height of the selected control when working in Form and Report Design view.
SPACE or ENTERExpand or collapse a group of records corresponding to the expand indicator in a grouped data access page.
SPACE or ENTERActivate the selected button on the record navigation toolbar when working in Page view.
SPACEBARPerform the action assigned to the active button, or select or clear the active check box in the dialog box.
SPACEBARSwitch between the values in a check box or option button.
SPACEBARChange the setting in a check box when navigating a Database Diagram in Microsoft Access.
SPACEBARToggle the check box in the Output column when navigating the Query Designer-Grid Panes.
SPACEBAR or MINUS SIGNRemove the selected data column form the query output when navigating the Query Designer-Diagram Pane.
SPACEBAR or PLUS SIGNChoose the selected data column form the query output when navigating the Query Designer-Diagram Pane.
TABMove to the next option or option group in a dialog box.
TABExit the combo box or list box.
TABSelect the next field in Microsoft Access.
TABMove to the next field when working in Form view.
TABTo enter the subform from the preceding field in the main form when working in Form view.
TABGo to the first or next hyperlink in Help.
TABSelect the next box in the E-Mail header, or the body of the message when the last box in the E-Mail header is active.
TABMove from table title bar to table title bar, or from cell to cell inside a table, when navigating a Database Diagram.
TABEnter the subdatasheet from the last field of the previous record in the datasheet in Microsoft Access.
TABMove from the last field in the subdatasheet to the next field in the datasheet.
TABSelect each field and then the entire Pivot Table list, going through these selections in sequence.
TAB or SHFT+TAB (when a toolbar is active)When a toolbar is active, select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar.
TAB, ENTER, or RIGHT ARROWMove to the next field when navigating in Datasheet view in Microsoft Access.
TAB, SHFT+TABMove between input source windows (and to join lines, if available) when navigating the Query Designer-Diagram Pane.
LETTER KEY, where the key corresponds with the underlined letter in an optn nameSelect and choose a command on the shortcut menu when working in a Pivot table.
UP ARROWMove up one line in a combo box or list box.
UP ARROWMove up one line in a database window.
UP ARROWMove to the current field in the previous record when navigating in Datasheet view.
UP ARROWScroll up in small increments when working in Print Preview and Layout Preview.
UP ARROWSelect the previous book or topic in Help in Microsoft Access.
UP ARROWScroll toward the beginning of a Help topic.
UP ARROWMove to the previous item in a list when navigating in a Database Diagram.
UP ARROWUse from the datasheet to bypass the subdatasheet and move to the previous record in the datasheet.
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWMove up or down in a drop-down list when navigating the Query Designer - Grid Panes in Microsoft Access.
UP ARROW, DOWN ARROWExtend a selection to adjacent rows in Datasheet view.
ZZoom in or out on a part of the page when working in Print Preview and Layout Preview.
ARROW KEYMove between options in a selected drop-down menu or dialog box or between some options in a group of options.
ARROW KEYMove between columns in an input source window when working in the Query Designer-Diagram Pane.
ARROW KEYMove selected elements in the given direction of the arrow key while working within a Pivot Table.
ARROW KEYS or TAB or SHFT TABMove between cells when working in the Query Designer-Diagram Pane in Microsoft Access.
ARROW KEYMove between options in a selected drop-down menu or dialog box or between some options in a group of options; add ENTER to select an option.
BACKSPACEDelete selected text or to delete the character to the left of where the cursor is positioned within a document while editing.
C or ESCCancel Print Preview or Layout Preview and return to Normal view.
CTRL+7Display or hide the main toolbar of the active window.
CTRL+ASelect the entire Help topic when working in the Help menu or dialog box.
CTRL ASelect the entire active Pivot Table list in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+A or CTRL+SHFT+SPACEBARSelect all records in an active database.
CTRL+ALT+SPACEBARInsert the default value for a selected field when entering data in a Datasheet or Form view.
CTRL+APOSTROPHE (')Insert the value from the same field in the previous record to the selected field in the current record within a database.
CTRL CCopy selection to the Windows Clipboard in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+CCopy the selected control to the Windows Clipboard.
CTRL+CCopy the selected Help items to the Windows Clipboard when working in Help menu.
CTRL+CCopy selected text to the Windows Clipboard when working in the Query Designer - Grid Panes.
CTRL CCopy selected text to the Windows Clipboard when working in Design View in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+CCopy selected data from the Pivot Table list to the Windows Clipboard when working in a Pivot Table.
CTRL+COLON (:)Insert the current time at the cursor's current position.
CTRL+DELETEDelete text to the end of the line in which the cursor is positioned.
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove to the same field in the last record while in Navigation mode in Datasheet view.
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove to the bottom of current page in which you are working while in Print Preview and Layout Preview.
CTRL DOWN ARROWMove the selected control down in the presentation while in Form and Report Design view in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove to the last row in the current column while working in Query Designer-Grid Panes mode.
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove the selected control down by a pixel (irrespective of the page's grid) while working in Data Access page in Design View.
CTRL EExport the selected Pivot Table list to a Microsoft Excel document in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+ENDMove to the end of the active field, while working working with multiple-line fields in Access.
CTRL+ENDMove to the last field in the last record while in Navigation mode in Access.
CTRL+ENDTo move to the last field in the last record while in Navigation mode and Form view in Access.
CTRL+ENDMove to the lower-right corner of the page while working in Print Preview and Layout Preview.
CTRL+ENDMove to the last position in the current cell or the last column in the active window while in Query Designer - Grid Panes view in Access.
CTRL ENTERInsert a new line when entering data in Datasheet or Form view in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+ENTER or ALT+DTo open the selected table, query, form, report, macro, or module while working in Design view in Access.
CTRL+ESCDisplay Windows Start menu.
CTRL+FDisplay the Find dialog box while working in Access Datasheet view, Form view or Module Window only.
CTRL+F11Toggle between a custom menu bar and a built-in menu bar while working in Access.
CTRL F2Invoke a Builder while working in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+F6Go to the next database window in the active application.
CTRL F6Move between open windows in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+F8Activate Resize mode for the active window when it is not maximized; press the arrow keys ro resize the window.
CTRL+GDisplay the Immediate window in the Visual Basic Editor.
CTRL+HTo open the Replace dialog box (while in Datasheet view, Form view, and Module Window only).
CTRL+HOMEGo to the beginning of the field, in multiple-line fields, when workin in Access.
CTRL+HOMEGo to the first field in the first record when working in Navigation mode in Datasheet view.
CTRL+HOMEGo to the first field in the first record when working in Navigation mode in Form view.
CTRL+HOMEGo to the upper-left corner of the page when in Print Preview and layout Preview mode.
CTRL+HOMEGo to the first position in the active cell or the first column in the active window when working in the Query Designer -Grid Panes.
CTRL LEFT ARROWMove cursor's position one word to the left in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+LEFT ARROWMove the selected control to the left when working in Form and Report Design view.
CTRL+LEFT ARROWMove the selected control to the left by one pixel (irrespective of the page's grid) when working in data access page Design view.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove cursor's position one word to the left or right.
CTRL+MINUS SIGN (-)Delete the current record when working in Datasheet or Form view.
CTRL NOpen a new, blank, database in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+ODisplay the Open dialog box in order to find and open an existing database.
CTRL+PDisplay the Print dialog box in order to print the active selection.
CTRL+PPrint the active Help topic.
CTRL+PAGE DOWNGo right one screen.
CTRL PAGE DOWNGo to the same field in the next record in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+PAGE UPGo left one screen when working in datasheet view in Access.
CTRL+PAGE UPGo to the same field in the previous record.
CTRL+PLUS SIGN (+)Add a new record while working in Datasheet or Form view in Access.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove cursor one word to the right.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove the selected control to the right when editing controls in Form and Report Design view.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove the selected control to the right by a pixel (irrespective of the page's grid) when working in data access page Design view.
CTRL S or SHFT F12 or ALT SHFT F2Save a database object in Microsoft Access.
CTRL+SEMICOLON (;)Insert the current date into active Datasheet or Form view.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Microsoft Money 2003 keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcut keys for Microsoft Money 2003.Navigation keyboard shortcuts keys,Main Sections keyboard shortcuts keys,Money Browser keyboard shortcuts keys,Accounts & Bills keyboard shortcuts keys,File commands keyboard shortcuts keys,Editing keyboard shortcuts keys,Navigation keyboard shortcuts keys

Microsoft Money 2003 Navigation keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                               Command
ALT + HOMEMy Money Home page

Microsoft Money 2003 Main Sections keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
CTRL + SHFT + AAccounts List
CTRL + SHFT + BBills & Deposits List
CTRL + SHFT + CCategories & Payees List
CTRL + SHFT + IInvestment Portfolio
CTRL + SHFT + PLifetime Planner
CTRL + SHFT + TTax Estimator
CTRL + SHFT + RReports Gallery
CTRL + SHFT + WWeb browser

Microsoft Money 2003 Money Browser keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                      Command
F5Refresh the Money browser
F11Launch Internet Explorer

Microsoft Money 2003 Accounts & Bills keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                     Command
CRTL + FFind a transaction/td>
F3 or CRTL + HFind and replace
CRTL + DInsert today's date in the date field
PLUS SIGN (+)Increase date by one day
MINUS SIGN (-)Decrease date by one day
CRTL + SSplit a transaction
CRTL + MMark transaction cleared (C)
CTRL+SHFT+MMark transaction reconciled (R)
ESCCancel changes
CRTL + ZUndo delete in account register

Microsoft Money 2003 File commands keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                     Command
CRTL + OOpen file
CRTL + NCreate a new file

Microsoft Money 2003 Editing keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                Command
CRTL + Z or ALT + BACKSPACEUndo last entry

Microsoft Money 2003 Navigation keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                 Command
CRTL + PPrint
CTRL + KCalculator
ALT + F4Close Money

Microsoft Excel 2000 keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcut keys for Microsoft Excel 2000

Microsoft Excel 2000 File menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                         Command
SHFT+TABMove from right to left within the selection, or move up one cell if only one column is selected.
ALT+1Go to the previous folder; use within the Open and Save as dialog boxes (in File Menu).
ALT+2Open the folder one level up from the open folder (Up One Level button); use within the Open and Save As dialog boxes (in File menu).
ALT+3Close the open dialog box and opens your World Wide Web search page (Search the Web button); use when working in the Open and Save As dialog boxes.
ALT 4Delete the selected folder or file; use within the Open and Save As dialog boxes in Microsoft Excel.
ALT+5Create a new subfolder in the open folder; use within the Open and Save as dialog boxes.
ALT+6Switch between List, Details, Properties, and Preview views (click the arrow next to Views); use within the Open and Save As dialog boxes.
ALT+7Display the Tools menu; use within the Open and Save As dialog boxes.
ALT+BOpen the Address book in the BCC field; use when sending E-Mail.
ALT+COpen the Address Book while working in the CC field when sending E-Mail.
ALT JGo to Subject field when sending E-Mail in Microsoft Excel.
ALT+KCheck the names in the To, Cc and Bcc fields against the Address Book while sending an E-Mail.
ALT+POpen Microsoft Outlook Message Options dialog box when sending an E-Mail.
ALT+PERIODOpen the Address book while working in the To field when sending E-Mail.
ALT+SSend the active spreadsheet as an E-Mail message.
CTRL+SHFT+BOpen the Address Book when sending an E-Mail.
CTRL+SHFT+GCreate a message flag when sending an E-Mail.
SHFT+TABMove to an E-Mail header- cell A-1 must be the active cell when you press these keys.
= (EQUAL SIGN)Start a formula; works within a cell or formula bar.
ALTClose the visible menu and submenu at the same time; works with menu commands.
ALT+' (APOSTROPHE)Display the Style command (on Format menu); works in a spreadsheet.
ALT+ letter key, where key is the underlined letter in the field or menu cmndSelect a field or a menu; works within a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.
ALT+ letter key, where key is the underlined letter in the field or menu cmndSelect a menu, or select or clear a check box by the letter underlined in the menu command; works with dialog boxes.
ALT+ number (where hitting key for 1 selects the leftmost optn, 2 the next, and so on)Select an option in the Open or Save As dialog boxes (in File menu); works with windows and dialog boxes.
ALT+= (EQUAL SIGN)Insert the AutoSum formula; works within a cell or formula bar of a spreadsheet.
ALT+0(ZERO)Select the folder list in the Open and Save As dialog boxes (in File menu); use within a dialog box; use arrow keys to select a folder in the list.
CTRL SHFT PLUS SIGNInsert blank cells into a row or column in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the right of the cursor.
CTRL+SHFT+SPACEBARWith an object already selected, select all objects on a sheet.
CTRL+SHFT+TAB or CTRL+PAGE UPGo to the previous tab when working in a tabbed dialog box.
ALT+CMove the selected field into the Column area; Use within the Pivot Table Wizard.
ALT+DMove a selected field into the Data area; use when working within the Pivot Table Wizard.
ALT+DOWN ARROWDisplay the AutoComplete list when working within a cell or formula bar.
ALT+DOWN ARROWOpen a selected drop-down menu; works within a dialog box.
ALT+DOWN ARROWDisplay more Help topics; works when using Office Assistant.
ALT+ENTERStart a new line in the same cell while working in a cell or formula bar.
ALT LDisplay Pivot Table dialog box in Microsoft Excel.
ALT+PMove a selected field into the Page area when working with the Pivot Table Wizard.
ALT+PAGE DOWNDisplay next screen to the right while working in a worksheet or workbook.
ALT+PAGE UPDisplay previous screen to the left while working in a worksheet or workbook.
ALT+RMove a selected field into the Row area while working within the Pivot Table Wizard.
ALT SEMICOLONSelect only visible cells in the active window in Microsoft Excel.
ALT+SHFT+LEFT ARROWUngroup selected Pivot Table items while working with Pivot Table.
ALT+SHFT+LEFT ARROWUngroup rows or columns in an outlined spreadsheet.
ALT+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWGroup selected Pivot Table items while working within a Pivot Table.
ALT+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWGroup rows or columns while working within a worksheet or workbook.
ALT SHFT TABMove from active application window to previously active application window in Microsoft Excel.
ALT+SPACEBAROpen the menu of the leftmost icon on the main toolbar bar of the active window; this menu typically contains the following commands: Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize and Close.
ALT+TABMove from active application window to the previously used application window; to select an application from a list of the open applications, hold ALT down and press TAB more than once to move through the list.
ALT+number (where hitting key for 1 selects the leftmost optn, 2 the next, and so on)Select a Help topic while using Office Assistant.
ALT+UP ARROWClose the Auto Filter list for the current column.
ALT+UP ARROWDisplay previously viewed Help topics while using Office Assistant.
ARROW KEYMove one cell in the given direction of the arrow key when working in a worksheet or workbook.
ARROW KEYMove one cell in the given direction of the arrow key when working in a worksheet or workbook.
ARROW KEYMove around a document while in Print Preview and zoomed in.
ARROW KEYMove between options in a selected drop-down menu or dialog box or between some options in a group of options.
ARROW KEYMove between options in a selected drop-down menu or dialog box or between some options in a group of options; add ENTER to select an option.
BACKSPACEClear a selected cell or cells or to delete the character to the left of where the cursor is positioned within the active cell while editing.
CTRL+' (APOSTROPHE)Copy a formula from the cell above the active cell into the active cell or formula bar while working within a worksheet or workbook.
CTRL arrow keyMove cursor to an edge of the current data region in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+/Select the current array, which is the array that the active cell belongs to.
CTRL+; (SEMI COLON)Enter the date where the cursor is positioned within an active cell.
CTRL+[Select only cells that are directly referred to by formulas in the specified area of a worksheet or workbook.
CTRL+\Select cells whose contents are different from the comparison cell in each row (for each row, the comparison cell is in the same column as the active cell).
CTRL+]Select only cells with formulas that refer directly to the active cell.
CTRL+` (SINGLE LEFT QUOTATION MARKAlternate view between displaying cell values and displaying cell formulas.
CTRL+0 (ZERO)Hide, or collapse, selected column(s) within a worksheet or workbook.
CTRL+1Display the Cells dialog box (in Format menu) when working in a worksheet or workbook.
CTRL+5Apply or remove strikethrough formatting to a selected area of a worksheet or workbook.
CTRL+6Alternate view between hiding, displaying and displaying placeholders for selected objects.
CTRL 7Display or hide the main toolbar of the active window in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+8Display or hide outline symbols of an active worksheet or workbook with an outline.
CTRL+9Hide selected rows within an active worksheet or workbook.
CTRL+ADisplay Formula Palette after you type a valid function name in a formula bar.
CTRL+ASelect the entire active worksheet.
CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROWMove to the left between nonadjacent selections within a worksheet or workbook.
CTRL+ALT+RIGHT ARROWMove to the right between nonadjacent selections in a worksheet or workbook.
CTRL+BApply or remove Bold formatting to selected text within a cell, worksheet or workbook.
CTRL BACKSPACEScroll to display the active cell in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+CCopy selected text or area to Windows Clipboard.
CTRL+DEnter data from cell just above active cell into active cell (Fill down) on a worksheet or workbook.
CTRL+DELETEDelete text to the end of the line in which the cursor is positioned.
CTRL+DOWN ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove to the last page in a spreadsheet, worksheet or workbook when zoomed out while in Print Preview.
CTRL+ENDMove to the end of the current sheet of a worksheet or workbook.
CTRL+ENDMove to the last cell on the worksheet, which is the cell at the intersection of the right-most active column and the bottom-most active row (in the lower-right corner).
CTRL ENTERFill the selected range with the current cell's contents while working in a worksheet or workbook in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+ESCDisplay Windows Start menu.
CTRL+F10Maximize or restore the active worksheet or workbook window.
CTRL+F5Restore the active workbook window.
CTRL+F6Go to the next workbook window in the active application.
CTRL+F6 or CTRL+TABMove to the next worksheet, workbook or window.
CTRL+F7Carry out the Move command (under Workbook icon menu, menu bar).
CTRL+F8Carry out the Size command (under Workbook icon menu, menu bar).
CTRL F9Minimize the active workbook window in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+HOMEGo to the beginning of the active worksheet.
CTRL+IApply or remove italic formatting to selected characters.
CTRL+KInsert a hyperlink from a document to a specified Web page address.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove cursor's position one word to the left or right.
CTRL+PDisplay the Print dialog box in order to print the active selection.
CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove cursor's position to the top of the next sheet in the workbook.
CTRL PAGE DOWNMove cursor's position to the beginning of a new record in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+PAGE UPMove cursor's position to the top of the previous sheet in the workbook.
CTRL+PAGE UPGo to the first record in the worksheet.
CTRL+PERIODMove cursor's position clockwise to the next corner of the selection.
CTRL+RFill cells to the right of the active cell with the content from the active cell.
CTRL+SHFT+ arrow keyExtend the active selection to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell.
CTRL+SHFT+!Apply the Number format with two decimal places, 1000 separator, and - for negative values.
CTRL+SHFT+ (QUOTATION MARK)Copy the value from the cell above the active cell into the active cell or the formula bar.
CTRL+SHFT+#Apply the Date format with the day, month and year into the active cell.
CTRL+SHFT+$Apply a currency format with two decimal places in the active cell (negative numbers appear in parentheses).
CTRL+SHFT+%Apply the Percentage format with no decimal places into the active cell.
CTRL+SHFT+(Unhide selected rows in worksheet.
CTRL+SHFT+)Unhide selected columns in worksheet.
CTRL+SHFT+* (ASTERISK)Select the current region around the active cell (the current region is an area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns).
CTRL+SHFT+: (COLON)Enter the current time, including hour, minute and A.M. or P.M., into active cell.
CTRL+SHFT+@Apply the Time format with the hour and minute, and indicate A.M. or P.M.
CTRL+SHFT+^Apply the Exponential number format with two decimal places into active cell.
CTRL SHFT _Remove all borders from a selected area in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+SHFT+{Select all cells that are directly or indirectly referred to by formulas in a selected area.
CTRL+SHFT+|Select cells in a given area whose contents are different from the comparison cell in each column (for each column, the comparison cell is in the same row as the active cell).
CTRL+SHFT+}Select all cells with formulas that refer directly or indirectly to the active cell.
CTRL+SHFT+~Apply the General number format to the active cell.
CTRL+SHFT+AInsert the argument names and parentheses for a function, after you type a valid function name in a formula.
CTRL+SHFT+ENDExtend a selection to the last cell used on the worksheet (lower-right corner).
CTRL+SHFT+ENTEREnter a formula as an array formula into the active cell.
CTRL SHFT F6Go to the previous workbook window in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+SHFT+F6 or CTRL+SHFT+TABGo to the previous workbook window.
CTRL+SHFT+HOMEExtend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet.
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the left of the cursor.
CTRL+SHFT+O (the letter O)Select all cells with comments.
CTRL+SPACEBARSelect the entire active column.
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove to the next tab on a tabbed dialog box.
CTRL TAB or CTRL SHFT TABSelect the next or previous toolbar in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+UApply or remove Underline formatting to selected text.
CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+LEFT ARROWMove to the first page when zoomed out in Print Preview.
CTRL+VPaste a copied item(s) from the Clipboard into a selected location (You also can choose Paste from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+WClose the active workbook window.
CTRL+XCopy and remove the selected item(s) from their original location to the Clipboard. (You also can choose the Cut command from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+YRedo, or repeat, the previous action.
CTRL+ZUndo the last action; note: some actions, like Shutdown, cannot be undone (You also can choose Undo from the Edit menu.).
DELETEDelete the selected item(s), or to delete the character to the right of the cursor; if items are files they will be moved to the Recycle Bin.
DOWN ARROWSelect the previous group of chart items in Microsoft Excel.
DOWN ARROWMove to the same field in the next record.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next item in the AutoFilter list.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next item in a list when working with page fields in a Pivot Table.
DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW (with the menu or submenu displayed)Select the next or previous command on the menu or submenu.
ENDGo to the end of the line.
ENDTurn End mode on or off in Excel.
ENDGo to the cell in the lower-right corner of the window.
ENDSelect the last item in the AutoFilter list in Microsoft Excel.
ENDSelect the last visible item in the list when working in a Pivot Table.
ENDGo to the end of the entry.
END, arrow keyScroll, within a row or column, one block of data in the direction of the arrow key.
END, ENTERMove to the last cell to the right that is not blank in the current row; unavailable if you have selected the Transition navigation keys check box on the Transition tab.
END, HOMEMove to the last cell on the worksheet, which is the cell at the intersection of the right-most used column and the bottom-most used row (in the lower-right corner); cell opposite the Home cell, which is typically A1.
ENTERComplete a cell entry and move down in the selection.
ENTERMove to the first field in the next record when working in Excel data form.
ENTERFilter a list by selecting an item from AutoFilter list (Under Tools menu, Filter submenu).
ENTERDisplay the selected item when working with page fields in a Pivot Table.
ENTEROpen, or display, the selected menu on a toolbar in Microsoft Excel.
ENTERPerform the action assigned to a selected button on a toolbar.
ENTEREnter text in the selected text box in a toolbar.
ENTERPerform the action assigned to the selected default command button in a dialog box.
ENTERMove from top to bottom within the selection (down), or in the direction that is selected on the Edit tab (Tools menu, Options command).
ESCCancel an entry in the cell or formula bar.
ESCClose the visible menu, or, with a submenu visible, close the submenu only.
ESCClose a selected drop-down list in a dialog box.
ESCCancel a command and close the dialog box in Microsoft Excel.
ESCClose an Office Assistant message or tip.
F1Display Help or the Office Assistant.
F1+ALTInsert a chart sheet into a worksheet or workbook.
F1+ALT+SHFTInsert a new worksheet into a workbook.
F1+SHFTOpen Office Assistant in order to display context sensitive Help or to reveal formatting of selected characters.
F10Activate, or select, the main toolbar beginning with the first toolbar option on the left, usually File; after the first option is activated you can navigate through toolbar and menu options using the appropriate ARROW keys; press F10 or ALT again
F10 or ALTActivate, or select, the main toolbar beginning with the first toolbar option on the left, usually File; after the first option is activated you can navigate through toolbar and menu options using the appropriate ARROW keys; press F10 or ALT again
CTRL+F10Maximize or restore the workbook window.
F10 SHFTDisplay a shortcut menu in Microsoft Excel.
F11Create a chart.
F11 ALTDisplay Visual Basic Editor in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+F11Insert a Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro sheet.
F11+SHFTInsert a new worksheet into a workbook.
F12Display Save As dialog box (file menu).
CTRL F12Display Open dialog box (File menu) in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+SHFT+F12Display Print command (File menu).
F12+SHFTCarry out Save command (File menu).
F2Edit the active cell.
F2+ALTDisplay Save As dialog box (file menu).
F2+ALT+SHFTCarry out the Save command (File menu).
F2+SHFTEdit a cell comment.
F3Paste a name into a formula in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+F3Define a name.
CTRL+SHFT+F3Create names by using row and column labels.
F3+SHFTPaste a function into a formula.
F4Repeat the last action in Microsoft Excel.
F4+ALTQuit Excel.
CTRL+F4Close the active window.
F4+SHFTRepeat the last Find (find next) command.
F5+Display the Go To tab on the Find and Replace dialog box (Edit menu).
CTRL+F5Restore the program window size.
F5+SHFTDisplay the Find dialog box.
F6Go to the next pane in Microsoft Excel.
CTRL+F6Move to the next open workbook window.
CTRL+SHFT+F6Go to the previous open workbook window.
F6+SHFTGo to the previous open workbook window.
F7Display Spelling and Grammar dialog box (Tools Menu).
CTRL+F7Move the window.
F8Turn Extend mode on, which allows you to select as much of a worksheet or workbook as you want; press ESC to cancel.
F8+ALTDisplay the Macro dialog box.
CTRL F8Resize the active window (document Control menu) in Microsoft Excel.
F8+SHFTIncrease the size of selected area.
F9Calculate all sheets in all open workbooks.
CTRL+F9Minimize the active workbook.
F9+SHFTCalculate the active worksheet.
HOMEGo to the beginning of the current line.
HOMEMove to the beginning of the current row in Microsoft Excel.
HOMEGo to the cell in the upper-left corner of the worksheet.
HOMESelect the first item (All) in the AutoFilter list, with Auto filter list open.
HOMESelect the first visible item in a list.
HOMEMove to the beginning of the current entry.
HOME or ENDGo to the beginning or end of the current field.
HOME or ENDSelect the first or last command on the menu or submenu in Microsoft Excel.
LEFT ARROWSelect the previous item within the current group on a chart.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWWith scroll lock on, scroll the current screen left or right one column.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWIn a data form, move one character left or right within a field.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWIn the Pivot Table wizard, move the field button to the right or left in a multicolumn field button list.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWWith a menu open, select the menu to the left or right of the original, or, with a submenu visible, switch between the main menu and the submenu.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWMove one character to the left or right in a text box.
Letter key, where the letter is the same as the first letter in optn you want on a selected menuChoose a selected menu, drop-down list, or dialog box option by typing the first letter in the option name.
PAGE DOWNScroll down one screen.
PAGE DOWNGo to the same field 10 records forward.
PAGE UPMove up one screen in Microsoft Excel.
PAGE UPMove to the same field 10 records back when working in Data Form view.
PAGE UP or PAGE DOWNIn Print Preview, move forward or back by one preview page when zoomed out.
RIGHT ARROWSelect the next item within the group on a chart.
Select the cell that contains the column label, and then press ALT+DOWN ARROWDisplay the AutoFilter list for the current column.
SHFT+ ARROW KEYExtend or reduce a selection by one cell.
SHFT+BACKSPACEIf multiple cells are selected, select only the active cell.
SHFT ENDWith scroll lock on, extend the selection to the cell in the lower-right corner of the window in Microsoft Excel.
SHFT+ENDUse when working in Data form to extend a selection to the end of a field.
SHFT+ENDSelect from the insertion point to the end of the text box entry.
SHFT+ENTERComplete a cell entry and move up in a selection.
SHFT+ENTERMove to the first field in the previous record when working in Data form.
SHFT+ENTERMove with in a selection from bottom to top within the selection (up), or opposite to the direction that is selected on the Edit tab (Tools menu, Options command).
SHFT+F10Display a shortcut menu that shows a list of commands relevant to the selected object.
SHFT F6Move to the previous pane in Microsoft Excel.
SHFT+HOMEExtend the selection from the cursor's position in the row to the beginning of the row.
SHFT+HOMEExtend a selection to the cell in the upper-left corner of the window.
SHFT+HOMEExtend a selection to the beginning of a field.
SHFT+HOMESelect from the insertion point in the text box to the beginning of the text box entry.
SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one character to the left of the cursor's position.
SHFT PAGE DOWNExtend the selection one screen down in Microsoft Excel.
SHFT+PAGE UPExtend the selection one screen up.
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect by one character to the right of the cursor's current position.
SHFT+SPACEBARSelect an entire row.
SHFT+TABComplete a cell entry and move to the left in the selection.
SHFT+TABMove to the previous option or option group in a dialog box.
SHFT+TABMove to the previous field you can edit in the selected record when working in data form.
SPACEBARPerform the action assigned to the active button, or select or clear the active check box in the dialog box.
TABComplete a cell entry and move to the right in the selection.
TABMove from left to right within a selection, or move down one cell if only one column is selected.
TABMove between unlocked cells on a protected worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
TABMove to the next field you can edit in the record.
TABMove to the next option or option group in a dialog box.
TAB or SHFT+TAB (when a toolbar is active)When a toolbar is active, select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar.
UP ARROWSelect the next group of items in a chart in Microsoft Excel.
UP ARROWMove to the same field in the previous record when working in data form.
UP ARROWSelect the previous item in the AutoFilter list.
UP ARROWUse with page fields in a Pivot Table to select the previous item in the list.
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWUse with Scroll Lock to scroll the screen up or down one row in Microsoft Excel.
UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWIn the Pivot Table Wizard, select the next or previous field button in the list.