Friday, February 24, 2012

Internet Explorer 8 keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcut keys forInternet Explorer 8 .General keyboard shortcuts keys,Navigation shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys,Favorites Center shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys,Tab shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys,Address Bar shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys,Instant Search Box keyboard shortcuts keys

Internet Explorer 8 General keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                         Command
F11Turn Full Screen Mode on or off
TABCycle through the Address Bar, Refresh button, Search Box, and items on a web page
CTRL+FFind a word or phrase on a page
CTRL+NOpen the current webpage in a new window
CTRL+PPrint the page
CTRL+ASelect all items on the page
CTRL+0Zoom to 100%

Internet Explorer 8 Navigation shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                             Command
ALT+HOMEGo to home page
ALT+LEFTGo backward
ALT+RIGHTGo forward
F5Refresh page
CTRL+F5Refresh page and the cache
ESCStop downloading page

Internet Explorer 8 Favorites Center shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                     Command
CTRL+IOpen Favorites
CTRL+SHFT+IOpen Favorites in pinned mode
CTRL+BOrganize Favorites
CTRL+DAdd current page to Favorites
CTRL+JOpen Feeds
CTRL+SHFT+JOpen Feeds in pinned mode
CTRL+HOpen History
CTRL+SHFT+HOpen History in pinned mode

Internet Explorer 8 Tab shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                   Command
Middle mouse button or CTRL+left mouse buttonOpen link in new background tab
CTRL+SHFT+left mouse button or CTRL+SHFT+middle mouse buttonOpen link in new foreground tab
Middle mouse button on the tab or CTRL+WClose tab (closes window if only one tab is open)
CTRL+QOpen Quick Tab view
CTRL+TOpen new tab
CTRL+SHFT+QView list of open tabs
CTRL+TABSwitch to next tab
CTRL+SHFT+TABSwitch to previous tab

Internet Explorer 8 Address Bar shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
ALT+DSelect the Address Bar
CTRL+ENTERAdd http://www. to the beginning and .com to the end of text in Address Bar
CTRL+SHFT+ENTERAdd http://www. to the beginning and the website address suffix you have specified to the end of text in the Address Bar*
ALT+ENTEROpen the website address that is typed in the Address Bar in new tab
F4View list of previously typed addresses

Internet Explorer 8 Instant Search Box keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                  Command
CTRL+ESelect the Instant Search Box
CTRL+DOWNView list of search providers
ALT+ENTEROpen search results in new tab

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Adobe Bridge CS3 keyboard shortcuts

Note: When available, the keyboard shortcut appears to the right of the command name in the menu.
In addition to using keyboard shortcuts, you can access many commands using context-sensitive menus.
Context-sensitive menus display commands that are relevant to the active tool, selection, or palette.
To display a context-sensitive menu, Control-click in the document window or palette

  List of shortcut keys for Adobe Bridge CS3. Keys not displayed in menu commands or tool tips keyboard shortcuts keys

Adobe Bridge CS3 Keys not displayed in menu commands or tool tips keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                    Command
Cmnd+\Switch between As Thumbnails and As Detailsviews
TabShow/hide panels
Cmnd+F7 through Cmnd+F12Switch to user-defined workspaces
Cmnd+ 'Assign a one-star rating
Cmnd+plus sign (+)Increase thumbnail size
Cmnd+minus sign (-)Decrease thumbnail size
Cmnd+Shft+plus sign (+)Step thumbnail size up
Cmnd+Shft+minus sign (-)Step thumbnail size down
Up ArrowMove up a folder (in folder view) or a row
Down ArrowMove down a folder (in folder view) or arow
Cmnd+Up ArrowMove up a level (in folder view)
Cmnd+Up ArrowMove down a level (in folder view)
Left ArrowMove left one item
Right ArrowMove right one item
HomeMove to the first item
EndMove to the last item
Cmnd-clickAdd to selection (discontiguous)
F5Refresh tree and thumbnail panes
Shft + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow,or Down Add an item to the selection
F1Display Help
TabRename next
Shft+TabRename previous
Optn-clickSelect inverse in Filter panel
Cmnd+Optn+AClear filter items
ClickDisplay Loupe tool in Preview panel
Cmnd-clickAdditional Loupes in Preview panel (multipleselection)
Cmnd-click-dragMove Loupe tools simultaneously
+Zoom in with Loupe tool
-Zoom out with Loupe tool
Select+plus sign (+)Zoom in with Loupe tool (multiple selection)
Select+minus sign (-)Zoom out with Loupe tool (multiple selection)
Optn-clickSelect all items in a stack
Shft+Cmnd+MMark selected Version Cue file as checked out
Shft+Cmnd+BSynchronize local view and server view of selectedVersion Cue file
Shft+Cmnd+VCreate saved version of selected Version Cuefile
Shft+Optn+Cmnd+VOpen Version Cue Versions dialog box

Adobe OnLocation CS4 keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcut keys for Adobe OnLocation CS4. Common Shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys

Adobe OnLocation CS4 Common Shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut3                                                           Command
SpacebarPlay clip
SpacebarPause recording or playback
EscapeStop recording, or stop playback (return to live camera)
Left ArrowPrevious frame
Right ArrowNext frame
Home keyJump to beginning of clip
End keyJump to end of clip
Cmnd+Left Arrow (Mac OS)Previous alert
Cmnd+Left Arrow (Mac OS)Next alert
Up ArrowPrevious clip
Down ArrowNext clip
Shft-dragAdjust values in 10-unit increments
Cmnd-drag (Mac OS)Adjust values in fractional increments
Optn+C (Mac OS)Display color bars
Cmnd+S (Mac OS)Grab still image

Friday, February 17, 2012

Microsoft Outlook 2000 keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcut keys Microsoft Outlook 2000


Microsoft Outlook 2000 File menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                     Command
ALT+1Go to previous folder; use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes.
ALT+2Open the folder one level up from the open folder (Up One Level button); use within the File Open and Insert File dialog boxes.
ALT+3Close the open dialog box and opens your World Wide Web search page (Search the Web button); use when working in the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes.
ALT+4Delete the selected folder or file; use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes.
ALT+5Create a new subfolder in the open folder; use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes.
ALT+6Switch between List, Details, Properties, and Preview views (click the arrow next to Views); use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes.
ALT+7Display the Tools menu; use within the File Open or Insert File dialog boxes.
CTRL+SHFT+SPost an selected item into a specified folder.
CTRL+SHFT+GFlag an item for needing a follow up.
CTRL+SHFT+HCreate new Office document when working in Outlook.
CTRL+SHFT+LCreate a Distribution list item or folder when working in Outlook.
CTRL+SHFT+OConvert an HTML or RTF message to plain text when working in Outlook.
F11Enter a name in the Quick Find box.
CTRL+, (comma)Go to previous item (with item open) when working within Outlook.
CTRL+. (period)Go to next item (with item open) when working within Outlook.
CTRL+BOpen Background Synchronization when working with Menu commands.
ALTClose the visible menu and submenu at the same time; works with menu commands.
ALT+0 (ZERO)View 10 days; works when using general keys for moving around in the day/week/month/view.
ALT+1View 1 day; works when using general keys for moving around in the day/week/month/view.
CTRL+SHFT+QKeys to create a new meeting request or open an existing meeting request.
CTRL+SHFT+RReply All to an E-Mail.
CTRL+SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the right of the cursor.
CTRL+SHFT+TReduce the size of a hanging indent formatted on onto a selected block of text.
CTRL+SHFT+TABGo to the previous tab when working in a tabbed dialog box.
CTRL+SHFT+TAB or CTRL+PAGE UPGo to the previous tab when working in a tabbed dialog box.
CTRL+SHFT+UCreate a new Task request or open an existing Task report in Outlook.
CTRL+SHFT+UP ARROWExtend the selection to the previous card, regardless of the starting point.
CTRL+SHFT+VPaste an item from one place to another.
ALT+CClose Print Preview; use within menu commands.
ALT+DDecline when responding to an E-Mail schedule request; use within menu commands.
ALT+DOWN ARROWGo to the same day in the next week; works with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+DOWN ARROWMove selected item to the same day in the next week; works with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+DOWN ARROWDisplay more Help topics; works when using Office Assistant.
ALT+DOWN ARROWGo to the same day in the next week; works with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+DOWN ARROWOpen a selected drop-down menu; works within a dialog box.
ALT+ENDGo to the last day of the current week; use within the Date Navigator.
ALT+EQUAL SIGNSwitch to month view when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+F4Close a selected window while working in Outlook; if you have only one open window, close Outlook.
ALT+F6; repeat until the balloon is activeActivate Office Assistant while working in a document.
ALT+HOMEGo to the first day of the current week when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+HYPHEN SIGNSwitch to week view when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+I to select the Folder List; arrow keys to select a folderSelect the folder list in Save As dialog box (in the File menu); use arrow keys to select a folder.
ALT+KDisplay the Task menu while working in Outlook.
ALT+key for number of daysView anywhere from 2 through 9 days at a time; works when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+LEFT ARROWMove a selected item to the previous day when multiple days appear; use when working with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+letter key, where the key is the underlined letter in a menu cmndSelect a menu, or select or clear the check box by the letter underlined in the menu name in a dialog box.
ALT+number (where hitting key for 1 selects the leftmost optn, 2 the next, and so on)Select a Help topic while using Office Assistant.
ALT+number (where hitting key for 1 selects the leftmost optn, 2 the next, and so on)Select an option in the Save As dialog box (in the File menu).
ALT+ODisplay the Format menu.
ALT+PPrint from Print Preview window.
ALT+PAGE DOWNGo to the last day of the month when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+PAGE UPGo to the first day of the month when using general keys to move around in day/week/month view.
ALT+PRTSCRCopy the active window to the Windows Clipboard.
ALT+RIGHT ARROWMove a selected item from one to the next day when multiple days appear; use when working with general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+SSave, close and Send when working with E-Mail.
ALT+S, ALT+UPrint Preview current page.
ALT+SHFT+TABMove from active application window to previously active application window.
ALT+SPACEDisplay the active window's title bar menu.
ALT+SPACEBAROpen the menu of the leftmost icon on the main toolbar bar of the active window; this menu typically contains the following commands: Restore, Move, Size, Minimize, Maximize and Close.
ALT+TABMove from active application window to the previously used application window; to select an application from a list of the open applications, hold ALT down and press TAB more than once to move through the list.
ALT+letter key, where the key is the underlined letter in a menu cmndSelect a menu, or select or clear the check box by the letter underlined in the menu name.
ALT+UP ARROWGo to the same day in the previous week when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+UP ARROWMove selected item to the same day in the previous week when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+UP ARROWDisplay previously viewed Help topics while using Office Assistant.
ALT+UP ARROWGo to the same day in the previous week when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+UP ARROW or ESC (when a drop-down list box is selected)Close a drop-down list box while working in a dialog box.
ALT+UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT ARROWMove a selected appointment up, down, left, or right when using general keys for moving around in day/week/month view.
ALT+ZZoom in on an area of detail while working in Print Preview.
ARROW KEYMove between options in a selected drop-down menu or dialog box or between some options in a group of options.
ARROW KEYMove between options in a selected drop-down menu or dialog box or between some options in a group of options; add ENTER to select an option.
CRTL+UUnderline the following text or to underline a selected section of text.
CTRL+ SHFT+SPost selected item to a designated folder.
CTRL+[Decrease the font size of selected text by 1 point.
CTRL+]Increase the font size of selected text by 1 point when working within a document.
CTRL+ASelect all items in an active folder when working in Windows Explorer-Tree View.
CTRL+ASelect All in a designated area or document.
CTRL+ALT+DELETEDisplay the Close Program dialog box in order to close active programs, or to shut down the entire computer system.
CTRL+BApply or remove Bold formatting to selected text or document.
CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERTCopy selected text or items to Windows Clipboard.
CTRL+DDelete the current selection or item in Outlook.
CTRL+DOWN ARROWMove to the next card while working in Outlook.
CTRL+DOWN or ENDMove to the end of an item while in Print Preview.
CTRL+ECenter the paragraph in which the cursor is positioned within an Outlook document.
CTRL+ENDMove to the last card in the list while working in Outlook.
CTRL+ENDDisplay (without selecting) the last item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the last item in a group while working in Outlook.
CTRL+ENTER (except WordMail)Send/post/invite all when working in Outlook.
CTRL+ESCDisplay Windows Start menu.
CTRL+FForward a selected E-Mail itemwhile working in Outlook.
CTRL+F2Display the Print Preview dialog box while working in Outlook.
CTRL+HOMEGo to the first card in a list when working in Outlook.
CTRL+HOMEDisplay (without selecting) the first item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the first item in the group when working in Timeline mode of Outlook.
CTRL+HOME or CTRL+ENDMove every item in a selection to the top or bottom of a specified list.
CTRL+IApply or remove italic formatting to selected characters.
CTRL+K (except in WordMail); ALT+K (WordMail only)Check names.
CTRL+K (WordMail only)Insert a hyperlink from a document to a specified Web page address.
CTRL+LAlign selected text to the left.
CTRL+LEFT ARROWGo to the closest card in the previous column while working in Outlook.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW or CTRL+RIGHT ARROWMove cursor's position one word to the left or right.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW+SPACEBAR or CTRL+RIGHT ARROW+SPACEBARSelect several nonadjacent items when navigating in Outlook Timeline.
CTRL+left mouse buttonEdit the address of web page (URL) in a body of text.
CTRL+M, F5Check for new E-Mail messages.
CTRL+NOpen a New Message dialog box in order to compose and send an E-Mail.
CTRL+PDisplay the Print dialog box in order to print the active selection.
CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove cursor's position to the first card on the next page when working in Outlook.
CTRL+PAGE UPGo to the first card on the previous page.
CTRL+QMark a selected item as read in Outlook.
CTRL+RReply to the active E-Mail.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROWGo to the closest card in the next column in Outlook.
CTRL+S or SHFT+F12Save active element in Outlook.
CTRL+SHFT+ACreate a new Appointment or to open a selected Appointment.
CTRL+SHFT+BOpen the Address Book when sending an E-Mail.
CTRL+SHFT+CCreate a new contact or open a selected contact.
CTRL+SHFT+DOWN ARROWExtend a selection of one card to the next card, regardless of the starting point.
CTRL+SHFT+ECreate a new folder or open a selected folder.
CTRL+SHFT+FDisplay the Find dialog box when working in Outlook.
CTRL+SHFT+IGo to Inbox.
CTRL+SHFT+JCreate a new journal entry or open an existing one.
CTRL+SHFT+KCreate a new Task or open an existing one when working in Outlook.
CTRL+SHFT+LAdd bullets to a selection when working in Outlook.
CTRL+SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one word to the left of the cursor.
CTRL+SHFT+MCreate a new Message or open an existing one when working in Outlook.
CTRL+SHFT+NKeys to create a new Note or open and existing Note when working in Outlook.
CTRL+SHFT+OGo to Outbox.
CTRL+SHFT+YCopy an item.
CTRL+SHFT+Z or CTRL+SPACEBARClear formatting ona selected area.
CTRL+SPACEBARSelect or unselect the active card.
CTRL+SPACEBARSelect or unselect the active item.
CTRL+TIncrease indent on a selected block of text.
CTRL+TABMove to the next tab on a tabbed dialog box.
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+PAGE DOWNMove to the next tab on a tabbed dialog box.
CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHFT+TAB.Select the next or previous toolbar.
CTRL+TAB or F6Move between Calendar, TaskPad, and the Folder List when moving around in day/week/month view.
CTRL+UP ARROWMove the insertion point to the previous card.
CTRL+UP ARROW or CTRL+DOWN ARROWGo to the next or previous item without extending the selection.
CTRL+UP or HOMEMove to the beginning of a selected item when working in Print Preview.
CTRL+V or SHFT+INSERTPaste a copied item(s) from the Clipboard into a selected location (You also can choose Paste from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+X or SHFT+DELETECopy and remove the selected item(s) from their original location to the Clipboard. (You also can choose the Cut command from the Edit menu.).
CTRL+YDisplay Go to Folder dialog box in order to find and open a specific folder.
CTRL+Z or ALT+BACKSPACEUndo the last action; note: some actions, like Shutdown, cannot be undone (You also can choose Undo from the Edit menu.).
DOWN ARROWSelect the next card.
DOWN ARROWGo to the next line in a multiline field in Outlook.
DOWN ARROWGo to the item below when working in a Table.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next group when a group in a Table is selected.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next group in a Timeline.
DOWN ARROWSelect the next block of time when working in day/week/month view.
DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW (with the menu or submenu visible)Select the next or previous command on the menu or submenu.
ENDGo to the end of the entry when working in a text box.
ENDSelect the last card in a list.
ENDGo to the end of a line.
ENDSelect the time that ends your work day when working in day/week/month view.
ENDGo to the last day of the week when working in day/week/month view.
ENDGo to the last item in a Table.
ENDSelect the last group in a Table is selected.
ENDSelect the last item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the last item in the group when working in timeline.
ENDSelect the last group on the timeline when a group on the timeline is selected.
ENTERSelect an item.
ENTERPerform the action assigned to a selected button in a dialog box.
ENTERMove to the next field, or to add a line to a multiline field.
ENTEROpen a selected item in a table.
ENTEROpen selected items in a timeline.
ENTERPerform the action assigned to a selected button on a toolbar.
ENTEROpen a selected menu on a toolbar.
ENTEREnter text in a selected text box.
ENTER or LEFT ARROWCollapse a selected group in a table.
ENTER or LEFT ARROWCollapse a selected group in a timeline.
ENTER or RIGHT ARROWExpand a selected group in a table.
ENTER or RIGHT ARROWExpand a selected group in a timeline.
ESCCancel the current operation.
ESCClose the visible menu; or, with a submenu visible, close the submenu only.
ESCCancel a command and close the dialog box.
ESCClose an Office Assistant message or tip.
F1Display Help or the Office Assistant.
F10Activate, or select, the main toolbar beginning with the first toolbar option on the left, usually File; after the first option is activated you can navigate through toolbar and menu options using the appropriate ARROW keys; press F10 or ALT again
F10.Activate, or select, the main toolbar beginning with the first toolbar option on the left, usually File; after the first option is activated you can navigate through toolbar and menu options using the appropriate ARROW keys; press F10 or ALT again
F12Display Save As dialog box (file menu).
F2Activate editing in a field (except icon view field).
F2Move to a field in the active card.
F2 or click the fieldDisplay the insertion point in the active field in order to edit text.
F3, CTRL+SHFT+FOpen the Find dialog box.
F4Open the Find dialog box in Outlook.
F5Refresh the current window (You also can choose Refresh from the View menu.).
F5Update the files visible in the Open or Save As dialog box (File menu).
F6Cycle through all the panes in the active window.
F6 or CTRL+SHFT+TABMove between the Folder List and the information viewer to the right.
F6/SHFT+F6Move to the next or previous window.
F7Display Spelling and Grammar dialog box (Tools Menu).
HOMEMove to the beginning of the current entry.
HOMESelect the first card in the list.
HOMEMove to the beginning of the current line.
HOMEIn day/week/month view, select the time that begins your work day.
HOMEIn day/week/month view, go to the first day of the week.
HOMEGo to the first item.
HOMESelect the first group on a timeline with grouped items.
HOMESelect the first item on the timeline (if items are not grouped) or the first item in the group.
HOME or ENDSelect the first or last command on the menu or submenu.
LEFT ARROWSelect the closest card in the previous column.
LEFT ARROWMove to the previous character in a field.
LEFT ARROWGo to the previous day, when working in day/week/month/view.
LEFT ARROWSelect the previous item on the timeline.
LEFT ARROWMove back in increments of time that are the same as those shown on the time scale, when a unit of time is selected on the time scale.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWWith a menu open, select the menu to the left or right of the original, or, with a submenu visible, switch between the main menu and the submenu.
LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROWMove one character to the left or right in a text box.
Letter key, where the letter is the same as the first letter in optn you want on a selected menuChoose a selected menu, drop-down list, or dialog box option by typing the first letter in the option name.
PAGE DOWNSelect the first card on the next page.
PAGE DOWNMove to the end of a multiline field.
PAGE DOWNSelect the block of time at the bottom of the screen when working in day/week/month view.
PAGE DOWNGo to the item at the bottom of the screen, and then display another page of items when working in a Table.
PAGE DOWNin a Timeline, display the items one screen below the items on the current screen.
PAGE DOWN or DOWN ARROWIn day/week/month view, go to the same day of the week in the next week (or 5 weeks ahead if viewing by month).
PAGE UPSelect the first card on the current page.
PAGE UPMove to the beginning of a multiline field.
PAGE UPIn day/week/month view, select the block of time at the top of the screen.
PAGE UPIn a Table, go to the item at the top of the screen.
PAGE UPIn a Timeline, display the items one screen above the items on current screen.
PAGE UP or UP ARROWIn day/week/month view, go to the same day of the week in the previous week (or 5 weeks previous if viewing by month).
PLUS or MINUS SIGN on the numeric keypadXxpand/collapse a group (with a group selected).
PRTSCRCopy an image of the screen to the Windows Clipboard.
RIGHT ARROWMove to the next character in a field.
RIGHT ARROWIn day/week/month view, go to the next day.
RIGHT ARROWWhen a group in a table is selected, select the first item on screen in an expanded group or the first item off screen to the right.
RIGHT ARROWin a Timeline, select the next item.
RIGHT ARROWWhen a unit of time on the time scale for days is selected, move forward in increments of time that are the same as those shown on the time scale.
RIGHT ARROWSelect the closest card in the next column.
SHFT+ALT+ESCMove to the next open window.
SHFT+CTRL+F6Move to the next/previous Outlook window.
SHFT+CTRL+TABMove between toolbars.
SHFT+DOWN ARROWExtend the selection to the next card or to unselect cards before the starting point.
SHFT+ENDSelect from the insertion point to the end of the text box entry.
SHFT+ENDExtend the selection to the last card in the list.
SHFT+ENTERMove to the previous field without leaving the active card.
SHFT+F1Display ScreenTip for the active item.
SHFT+F10Display a shortcut menu that shows a list of commands relevant to the selected object.
SHFT+F3Change the case of selected letters.
SHFT+F4Find the previous occurrence of the text specified in the Find or Replace dialog box when the dialog box is closed.
SHFT+HOMESelect from the insertion point in the text box to the beginning of the text box entry.
SHFT+HOMEExtend the selection to the first card in a list.
SHFT+LEFT ARROWSelect or unselect one character to the left of the cursor's position.
SHFT+LEFT ARROW or SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect several adjacent items on a timeline.
SHFT+left mouse buttonSpecify a Web browser.
SHFT+LEFT, RIGHT, UP, or DOWN ARROW; or SHFT+HOME or ENDChange the duration of the selected block of time when working in day/week/month view.
SHFT+PAGE DOWNExtend the selection to the last card on the last page.
SHFT+PAGE UPExtend the selection to the first card on the previous page.
SHFT+RIGHT ARROWSelect or unselect by one character to the right of the cursor's current position.
SHFT+TABMove to the previous option or option group in a dialog box.
SHFT+TABMove to the previous field and, from the first field of a card, move to the last field in the previous card.
SHFT+TABSelect the previous appointment when working in the day/week/month view.
SHFT+TABWhen a unit of time on the time scale for days is selected, select the upper time scale (when the lower time scale is selected).
SHFT+UP ARROWExtend the selection to the previous card and unselect cards after the starting point.
SHFT+UP ARROW or DOWN ARROWExtend or reduce the selected time when working in the day/week/month view.
SHFT+UP ARROW or SHFT+DOWN ARROWExtend or reduce the selected items by one item when working in a table.
SPACEBARPerform the action assigned to the active button, or select or clear the active check box in the dialog box.
SPACEBAR (when the menu bar is active)when the menu bar is active, display the program Control menu.
TABMove to the next option or option group.
TABSelect a field when moving between fields on a card.
TABMove to the next field and, from the last field of a card, move to the first field in the next card.
TABSelect the next appointment when working in day/week/month view.
TABMove from item to item when working in day/week/month view.
TABSelect the lower time scale (when the upper time scale is selected) and a unit of time on the time scale for days in selected.
TABSelect the first item on screen or the first group on screen if items are grouped (when the lower time scale is selected) and a unit of time on the time scale for days in selected.
TAB or SHFT+TAB (when a toolbar is active).When a toolbar is active, select the next or previous button or menu on the toolbar.
LETTER KEY, where you type one or more letters of the name a card is filed under or the field you arSelect a specific card in the list.
UP ARROWSelect the previous card.
UP ARROWMove to the previous line in a multiline field.
UP ARROWGo to the item above current position when working in a table.
UP ARROWWhen a group in a table is selected, select the previous group.
UP ARROWWhen a group in a timeline is selected, select the previous group.
UP ARROWSelect the previous block of time when working in day/week/month view.
UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW, PAGE UP, or PAGE DOWNScroll through pages when working in Print Preview.
UP, DOWN, LEFT, OR RIGHT ARROWMove from item to item when working in day/week/month view.
ALT+SHFT+UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW, with the cursor in a selected appointmentChange an appointment start or end time when working in day/week/month view.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Adobe Encore CS3 keyboard shortcuts

Note: Do one of the following:-
For a tool or button, hold the pointer over the tool or button until its tool tip appears. If available, the keyboard shortcut appears in the tool tip after the tool description.
For menu commands, look for the keyboard shortcut at the right of the command.
This table isn't a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. It lists only those shortcuts that aren't displayed in menu commands or tool tips.

  List of shortcut keys for Adobe Encore CS3. Selecting tools in the Tools panel keyboard shortcuts keys,
Working in the Project panel keyboard shortcuts keys,Working in the Menu Viewer keyboard shortcuts keys,Working with text in menus and subtitles keyboard shortcuts keys,Working in the Slideshow Viewer keyboard shortcuts keys,Working in the Timeline Viewer keyboard shortcuts keys,Working in the Project Preview window keyboard shortcuts keys,Switching workspaces keyboard shortcuts keys,Resetting application defaults keyboard shortcuts keys,Working with Adobe Bridge keyboard shortcuts keys

Adobe Encore CS3 Selecting tools in the Tools panel keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                      Command
V-press and release to change, hold to toggleSelection tool
A-press and release to change, hold to toggleDirect Select tool
M-press and release to change, hold to toggleMove tool
R-press and release to change, hold to toggleRotate tool
T-press and release to change, hold to toggleText tool
Y-press and release to change, hold to toggleVertical Text tool
Y or TSwitch between vertical and horizontal texttools
Z-click to change, hold to toggleZoom tool

Adobe Encore CS3 Working in the Project panel keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                      Command
Cmnd + Optn + Shft + RReplace selected asset
Double-clickOpen asset
Enter or ReturnOpen selected asset
Up ArrowSelect asset above current selection
Down ArrowSelect asset below current selection
Cmnd + DDuplicate selected asset
Cmnd + ASelect all
Cmnd + Shft + ADeselect all
EndScroll to bottom of panel
HomeScroll to top of panel
Cmnd + Shft + NNew folder
Double-clickOpen/close folders
Left ArrowClose selected folder
Right ArrowOpen selected folder

Adobe Encore CS3 Working in the Menu Viewer keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                Command
Shft-drag the bounding box handlesConstrain aspect ratio while scaling
Shft-dragConstrain movement (including rotation)to 45º
Down ArrowNudge selection 1 pixel down
Up ArrowNudge selection 1 pixel up
Left ArrowNudge selection 1 pixel left
Right ArrowNudge selection 1 pixel right
Shft + Down ArrowNudge selection 10 pixels down
Shft + Left ArrowNudge selection 10 pixels left
Shft + Right ArrowNudge selection 10 pixels right
Shft + Up ArrowNudge selection 10 pixels up
Cmnd + LSet link for selected button
Optn-drag a video file from the ProjectpanelSet video background for motion menu
Optn-double-click at item in the LibrarypanelReplace selected item
Optn-drag an item from the Library panelor Mac OReplace selected item
Cmnd-click the Replace button in theLibraryReplace without scale
Cmnd + Optn-click an item in the LibraryReplace without scale
Cmnd + Optn-drag from the Library ontothe selReplace without scale
Optn-dragDuplicate selected item
Optn-drag the bounding box handlesScale from center
Cmnd + Ctrl-clickShow menu layers
Cmnd + . (period)Zoom in
=+ (plus)Zoom in
Cmnd + , (comma)Zoom out
=- (minus)Zoom out

Adobe Encore CS3 Working with text in menus and subtitles keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                     Command
Double-click text objectEnter text edit mode
EscExit text edit mode
Cmnd-dragMove subtitle text in the Monitor tab whenin text-editing mode
Double-clickSelect word
Triple-clickSelect line
Click 4 timesSelect paragraph
Click 5 timesSelect all text in text block
Cmnd + ASelect all text in text block
Right Arrow or Left ArrowMove cursor one character right or left
Up Arrow or Down ArrowMove cursor one line up or down
Cmnd + Right Arrow or Left ArrowMove cursor one word right or left
Cmnd + Down ArrowMove cursor to next paragraph
Cmnd + Up ArrowMove cursor to previous paragraph
HomeMove cursor to beginning of line
EndMove cursor to end of line
Cmnd + HomeMove cursor to beginning of text
Cmnd + EndMove cursor to end of text
Shft-clickIncrease selection of text
Double-click + dragIncrease selection by word
Triple-click + dragIncrease selection by line
Click 4 times + dragIncrease selection by paragraph
Shft + Left Arrow or Right ArrowIncrease selection by character
Cmnd + Shft + Left Arrow or Right ArrowIncrease selection by word
Cmnd + Shft + Up Arrow or Down ArrowIncrease selection by line
Shft + HomeIncrease selection to beginning of text
Shft + EndIncrease selection to end of text

Adobe Encore CS3 Working in the Slideshow Viewer keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                     Command
EndSelect last slide
HomeSelect first slide
Page DownSelect next slide
Page UpSelect previous slide
Up ArrowSelect slide above
Down ArrowSelect slide below
Right ArrowSelect slide right
Left ArrowSelect slide left
Cmnd + . (period)Zoom in
=+ (plus)Zoom In
Cmnd + , (comma)Zoom out
=- (minus)Zoom out

Adobe Encore CS3 Working in the Timeline Viewer keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                        Command
SpacebarPlay/Pause (toggle)
Shft + BackspaceRipple delete
Opt-drag or Opt-click the audio or videoportion ofSlip audio or video independently
EndMove current-time indicator to end of lastclip in timeline
HomeMove current-time indicator to beginningof timeline
Left ArrowMove current-time indicator one frame left
Right ArrowMove current-time indicator one frame right
Page DownGo to next chapter point or edit point
Page UpGo to previous chapter point or edit point
Shft + 8Add a chapter point
* (asterisk on keypad)Add a chapter point
Cmnd + Optn-drag from a chapter pointSet a poster frame
Cmnd + Shft + 8Set a poster frame
Cmnd + * (asterisk on keypad)Set a poster frame
Scroll wheel roll downScroll timeline forward
Scroll wheel roll upScroll timeline backward
Shft + scroll wheel roll downScroll timeline forward 100%
Shft + scroll wheel roll upScroll timeline backward 100%
Cmnd + scroll wheel roll upMove current-time indicator one frame left
Cmnd + scroll wheel roll downMove current-time indicator one frame right
Cmnd + shft + scroll wheel roll upMove current-time indicator 10 frames left
Cmnd + Shft + scroll wheel roll downMove current-time indicator 10 frames right
Cmnd + . (period)Zoom in
=+ (plus) on numeric keypadZoom in
Click with zoom toolZoom in
Optn-click with zoom toolZoom out
=- (minus) on numeric keypadZoom out
Cmnd + , (comma)Zoom out

Adobe Encore CS3 Working in the Project Preview window keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                       Command
Shft + SpacebarOpen Project Preview window
EnterActivate current button
Press the number (1 through 9) of the buttonyou waActivate a specific button
EndActivate End Action button
HomeActivate Title button
noneActivate Menu button
Cmnd + Left ArrowGo to previous chapter
Cmnd + Right ArrowGo to next chapter
Use the arrow keys to navigate up/down/right/leftNavigate buttons in a menu
Cmnd + = (equal sign) on main keyboardor + (pluIncrease size of window and contents
Cmnd + - (hyphen) on main keyboard or- (minus sDecrease size of window and contents

Adobe Encore CS3 Switching workspaces keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                        Command
Optn + Shft + 1Switch to first workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 2Switch to second workspace in Workspacemenu
Optn + Shft + 3Switch to third workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 4Switch to fourth workspace in Workspacemenu
Optn + Shft + 5Switch to fifth workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 6Switch to sixth workspace in Workspace menu
Optn + Shft + 7Switch to seventh workspace in Workspacemenu
Optn + Shft + 8Switch to eighth workspace in Workspacemenu
Optn + Shft + 9Switch to ninth workspace in Workspace menu

Adobe Encore CS3 Resetting application defaults keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                    Command
Drag the Preferences file to the trash andrestart Reset keys in registry file

Adobe Encore CS3 Working with Adobe Bridge keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                    Command
Cmnd+\Switch between As Thumbnails and As Details views
TabShow/hide panels
Cmnd+F7 through Cmnd+F12Switch to user-defined workspaces
Cmnd+'Assign a one-star rating
Cmnd+plus sign (+)Increase thumbnail size
Cmnd+minus sign (-)Decrease thumbnail size
Cmnd+Shft+plus sign (+)Step thumbnail size up
Cmnd+Shft+minus sign (-)Step thumbnail size down
Up ArrowMove up a folder (in folder view) or a row
Down ArrowMove down a folder (in folder view) or arow
Cmnd+Up ArrowMove up a level (in folder view)
Cmnd+Up ArrowMove down a level (in folder view)
Left ArrowMove left one item
Right ArrowMove right one item
HomeMove to the first item
EndMove to the last item
Cmnd-clickAdd to selection (discontiguous)
F5Refresh tree and thumbnail panes
Shft + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow,or Down Add an item to the selection
F1Display Help
TabRename next
Shft+TabRename previous
Optn-clickSelect inverse in Filter panel
Cmnd+Optn+AClear filter items
ClickDisplay Loupe tool in Preview panel
Cmnd-clickAdditional Loupes in Preview panel (multipleselection)
Cmnd-click-dragMove Loupe tools simultaneously
+Zoom in with Loupe tool
-Zoom out with Loupe tool
Select+plus sign (+)Zoom in with Loupe tool (multiple selection)
Select+minus sign (-)Zoom out with Loupe tool (multiple selection)
Optn-clickSelect all items in a stack
Shft+Cmnd+MMark selected Version Cue file as checked out
Shft+Cmnd+BSynchronize local view and server view of selectedVersion Cue file
Shft+Cmnd+VCreate saved version of selected Version Cuefile
Shft+Optn+Cmnd+VOpen Version Cue Versions dialog box