Saturday, July 7, 2012

Adobe Framemaker 8 keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcut keys for Adobe Framemaker 8.Navigating through documents keyboard shortcuts keys,Move insertion point in text keyboard shortcuts keys,Drawing -Choose tool keyboard shortcuts keys,Draw object keyboard shortcuts keys,Drawing - Misc keyboard shortcuts keys,Book Commands keyboard shortcuts keys,Finding and changing keyboard shortcuts keys,Find (With Use Wildcards turned) keyboard shortcuts keys,Working with tables - Select keyboard shortcuts keys,Working with tables - Move keyboard shortcuts keys,Working with tables - Miscellaneous keyboard shortcuts keys,Character and Paragraph Designers keyboard shortcuts keys,Object Selection keyboard shortcuts keys,Editing Text keyboard shortcuts keys,Editing Text - Select keyboard shortcuts keys,Editing Text - Delete keyboard shortcuts keys,Entering Special Characters keyboard shortcuts keys,Other useful shortcuts keyboard shortcuts keys,Element menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Color keyboard shortcuts keys,Context Menu keyboard shortcuts keys, File menu (document window) keyboard shortcuts keys,File menu (book window) keyboard shortcuts keys,Edit menu (document window) keyboard shortcuts keys,Edit menu (book window) keyboard shortcuts keys,Add menu (book window) keyboard shortcuts keys,Format menu keyboard shortcuts keys,View menu (document window) keyboard shortcuts keys,View menu (book window) keyboard shortcuts keys,Special menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Graphics menu keyboard shortcuts keys,

Table menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Structure Tools menu keyboard shortcuts keys,

DITA menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Window menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Window manipulation keyboard shortcuts keys,Display and activation keyboard shortcuts keys,Navigation within windows keyboard shortcuts keys,Command buttons keyboard shortcuts keys,Radio Buttons and Checkboxes keyboard shortcuts keys,Popup menus keyboard shortcuts keys,Scroll lists keyboard shortcuts keys,Custom menus keyboard shortcuts keys,Master and reference pages keyboard shortcuts keys,Page layout keyboard shortcuts keys,Import formats keyboard shortcuts keys,Side-head area keyboard shortcuts keys,Text flows keyboard shortcuts keys,Help keyboard shortcuts keys,Open keyboard shortcuts keys,Save and Close keyboard shortcuts keys,Cancel and undo keyboard shortcuts keys,Navigation within a document keyboard shortcuts keysDocument redisplay keyboard shortcuts keys,Zoom keyboard shortcuts keys,Hypertext documents keyboard shortcuts keys,Spelling Checker keyboard shortcuts keys,Thesaurus keyboard shortcuts keys,Document comparison keyboard shortcuts keys,

Document reports keyboard shortcuts keys,HTML and PDF export keyboard shortcuts keys,

Reference Updating keyboard shortcuts keys,Drawing tools keyboard shortcuts keys,Fill patterns keyboard shortcuts keys,Pen patterns keyboard shortcuts keys,Line widths keyboard shortcuts keys,

Line styles keyboard shortcuts keys,Object selection keyboard shortcuts keys,

Object manipulation keyboard shortcuts keys,Object movement keyboard shortcuts keys,Object alignment keyboard shortcuts keys,Object rotation keyboard shortcuts keys,Graphic frames keyboard shortcuts keys,Marker insertion keyboard shortcuts keys,Variable insertion keyboard shortcuts keys,Filter By Attribute keyboard shortcuts keys,Track Text Edit keyboard shortcuts keys,Conditional text display keyboard shortcuts keys,Conditional text window keyboard shortcuts keys,Condition tags keyboard shortcuts keys,Equations popup menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Matrices page keyboard shortcuts keys,Positioning page keyboard shortcuts keys,Left/right (alignment) pop-up menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Up/down (alignment) pop-up menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Line breaking pop-up menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Equation - move keyboard shortcuts keys,Equation - selection keyboard shortcuts keys,Equation - Moving math elements while retaining algebraic equivalency keyboard shortcuts keys,Equation - Moving math elements without retaining algebraic equivalency keyboard shortcuts keys,

Selection in tables keyboard shortcuts keys,Movement in tables keyboard shortcuts keys,Tab characters in cells keyboard shortcuts keys,Row and column manipulation keyboard shortcuts keys,

Row and column replacement keyboard shortcuts keys,Vertical alignment in cells keyboard shortcuts keys,Column width keyboard shortcuts keys,Table Designer keyboard shortcuts keys,Table formats keyboard shortcuts keys,Insert point movement keyboard shortcuts keys,Insertion point placement keyboard shortcuts keys,Text selection keyboard shortcuts keys,Text editing keyboard shortcuts keys,Asian text keyboard shortcuts keys,Text deletion keyboard shortcuts keys,Capitalization keyboard shortcuts keys,

Character and Paragraph Designers keyboard shortcuts keys,Paragraph formats keyboard shortcuts keys,Character formats keyboard shortcuts keys,Working with structure keyboard shortcuts keys,Working with structure - misc keyboard shortcuts keys

Adobe Framemaker 8 Navigating through documents keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                 Command
Esc p p, Pg UpPrevious page
Esc p n, Pg DnNext page
Esc p f, Alt+Pg Up, Shft and click the Previous Page buttonFirst page
Esc p l (lowercase L), Alt+Pg Dn, Shft and click the Next Page buttonLast page
Esc v p, Ctrl+gGo To Page dialog box
Press Alt+Ctrl and click an active areaGo to source of a cross-reference
Press Ctrl+g or click the Page Status area and then type the page numberGoto a specific page
Press Ctrl+g or click the Page Status area and then click Page Containing the Insertion PointGoto page containing the insertion point

Adobe Framemaker 8 Move insertion point in text keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                               Command
Ctrl+left arrowStart of a word
Ctrl+right arrowEnd of a word
Esc b wStart of the next word
Ctrl+HomeStart of a sentence
Ctrl+EndEnd of a sentence
Ctrl+up arrowStart of a paragraph
Ctrl+down arrowEnd of the current paragraph
Esc b pStart of the next paragraph
Ctrl+Pg UpTop of a column
Ctrl+Pg DnBottom of a column
Alt+ Shft+Pg UpStart of a flow
Alt+ Shft+Pg DnEnd of a flow
Ctrl+Pg UpStart of a line
Ctrl+Pg DnEnd of a line

Adobe Framemaker 8 Drawing -Choose tool keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                    Command
Esc one aArc
Esc one mGraphic Frame
Esc one fFreehand
Esc one oneLast tool selected
Esc one l (lowercase L)Line
Esc one oObject Selection
Esc one eOval
Esc one p gPolygon
Esc one p l (lowercase L)Polyline
Esc one rRectangle
Esc one Shft+rRounded Rectangle
Esc one sSmart Selection
Esc one t fText Frame
Esc one t l (lowercase L)Text Line

Adobe Framemaker 8 Draw object keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                 Command
Press Shft and draw a lineVertical, horizontal, or diagonal line
Press Shft and draw a rectangleSquare
Press Shft and draw an ovalCircle
Press Shft and draw an arcCircular arc

Adobe Framemaker 8 Drawing - Misc keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                            Command
Esc one w, Esc g Shft+tDisplay the Tools palette
Press Shft and click a drawing toolKeep a tool active after use
Press Shft and click the Object Selection toolReturn to the Object Selection tool after drawing

Adobe Framemaker 8 Book Commands keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                       Command
Esc f Shft+nNew Book
Esc f s, Ctrl+sSave Book
Esc f e or F2Rename File
Esc e Shft+u,Esc f gUpdate Book
Esc Shft+v Shft+mDisplay filenames (in book window)
Esc Shft+v Shft+xDisplay paragraph headings (in book window)
Esc f xDelete File from Book
Esc e aSelect All Files
Esc f Shft+sSave all files in book
Esc f Shft+cClose all files in book
Esc e Shft+a Shft+fSelect All FrameMaker Files
Esc e Shft+a Shft+nSelect All Non-Generated FrameMaker Files
Esc e Shft+a Shft+gSelect All Generated FrameMaker Files
Shft+clickSelect a range of files
Ctrl+clickSelect discontiguous files
Esc m uMove a file up in book
Esc m dMove a file down in book
Esc f p, Ctrl+pPrint Book
Esc f Shft+fPrint Selected Files in Book

Adobe Framemaker 8 Finding and changing keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                       Command
Esc f i n,Esc e Shft+f, Ctrl+ Shft+f, Alt+Ctrl+sSearch forward
Esc f i p, Alt+Ctrl+f, Alt+Ctrl+rSearch backward
Esc r oChange current selection
Esc r gChange all occurrences of Find text in document
Esc r aChange and search again
Shft+F8Change settings to As Is in Find Character Format and Change To Character Format dialog boxes
Shft+F9Change settings to match selected text in Find Character Format and Change To Character Format dialog boxes
Esc f i sDisplay Set Find/Change Parameters dialog box
\tTab symbol
\rForced return
\pEnd-of-paragraph symbol
\PStart of paragraph
\ (space)Nonbreaking space
\i, \stThin space
\N, \snEn space
\M, \smEm space
\#, \s#Numeric space
\fEnd-of-flow symbol
\{` (grave)
\\\ (backslash)
\- (hyphen)Discretionary hyphen
\+Nonbreaking hyphen
\_ (underscore)Suppress hyphenation symbol
\<Start of word
\>End of word

Adobe Framemaker 8 Find (With Use Wildcards turned) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                      Command
*Any number of characters
| (bar)Spaces or punctuation
?Any one character
^The beginning of a line
$The end of a line
[ab]Any one of the bracketed characters ab
[^ab]Any character except ab
[a-f]Any character from a to f

Adobe Framemaker 8 Working with tables - Select keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                            Command
Ctrl and click the cellSelect a cell
Ctrl and double-click column borderSelect a row
Ctrl and double-click row borderSelect a column
Esc t h rSelect a Current row
Esc t h cSelect a Current column
Esc t h t, Ctrl and triple-click a cellSelect a Current table

Adobe Framemaker 8 Working with tables - Move keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                        Command
Esc t m eRightmost cell in current row
Esc t m aLeftmost cell in current row
Esc t m tTop cell in current column
Esc t m bBottom cell in current column
Tab, Esc t m nNext cell and select its text
Shft+Tab, Esc t m pPrevious cell and select its text
Alt+Ctrl+TabCell below and select its text
Alt+Ctrl+ Shft+TabCell above and select its text

Adobe Framemaker 8 Working with tables - Miscellaneous keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                             Command
Esc TabType a tab character in a cell
Esc t Shft+ r aAdd rows above selected row
Esc t Shft+ r b, Ctrl+ReturnAdd rows below selected rows
Esc t c l (lowercase L)Add columns to left
Esc t c rAdd columns to right
Esc t p rPaste by replacing selected rows or columns
Esc t p bPaste rows or columns before selection
Esc t p aPaste rows or columns after selection
Esc t wResize columns so no paragraphs in selected cells wrap
Alt and drag selected cell's handleResize selected columns without changing table's width
Esc e y wCopy column width to Clipboard

Adobe Framemaker 8 Character and Paragraph Designers keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                          Command
Shft+F8Change all settings to As Is
Shft+F9Change all settings to match selected text
Page UpDisplay the previous set of properties
Page DownDisplay the next set of properties
Press Ctrl and click ApplyApply only the current group of properties

Adobe Framemaker 8 Object Selection keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                        Command    
Press Ctrl and click the text line or text frameSelect a text line or text frame
Press Shft and click an objectExtend or shorten the selection
Press Ctrl+ Shft and drag diagonallyForce selection border to appear (when dragging from outside all objects is not possible)
Esc o Shft+fSelect the first object in the draw order
Esc o nSelect the next object in the draw order
Esc o eExtend the selection to the next object in the draw order
Double-click in the text frame or text lineDeselect a text frame or text line and put the insertion point inside it instead

Adobe Framemaker 8 Editing Text keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                     Command
Esc e x, Shft+Delete, Ctrl+xCut
Esc e c, Ctrl+c, Ctrl+InsertCopy
Esc e p, Ctrl+y, Shft+Insert, Ctrl+vPaste
Esc e u, Ctrl+ Shft+z, Ctrl+ z, Alt+BackspaceUndo/Redo
Click where you want to put the copied text and then press Alt and drag through the textQuick-copy text
Click between characters and then press Ctrl+F9Transpose characters
Alt+Ctrl+l (lowercase L)Make selected text lowercase
Alt+Ctrl+uMake selected text uppercase
Alt+Ctrl+cMake selected text initial caps

Adobe Framemaker 8 Editing Text - Select keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                               Command
Double-click itA word
Double-click it and drag, double-click it and Shft -clickA word, then next words
Press Esc h s, press Ctrl+ Shft+EndCurrent sentence, then next
Press Esc Shft+h Shft+s, press Ctrl+ Shft+HomeCurrent sentence, then previous
Triple-click itA paragraph
Triple-click it and drag, triple-click it and Shft -clickA paragraph, then next paragraphs

Adobe Framemaker 8 Editing Text - Delete keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                             Command
BackspacePrevious character
Esc k bBackward to start of the previous word
Esc k aBackward to end of the previous sentence
DeleteNext character
Esc k f, Ctrl+DeleteForward to end of a word
Ctrl+Shft+DeleteForward to end of a line
Esc k sForward to start of the next sentence

Adobe Framemaker 8 Entering Special Characters keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                       Command
PressTo type
Ctrl+q %(bullet)
Ctrl+q space† (dagger)
Ctrl+q `‡ (double dagger)
Ctrl+q *(trademark)
Ctrl+q )© (copyright)
Ctrl+q (® (registered trademark)
Ctrl+q &¶ (paragraph symbol)
Ctrl+q $§ (section symbol)
Ctrl+q Shft+i… (ellipsis)
Ctrl+q Shft+q(em dash)
Ctrl+q Shft+p(en dash)
Esc ""
Ctrl+q Shft+t(with Smart Quotes off)
Ctrl+q Shft+u(with Smart Quotes off)
Ctrl+q Shft+r, Alt+Ctrl+'(with Smart Quotes off)
Ctrl+q Shft+s, Alt+Ctrl+'(with Smart Quotes off)
Esc space m, Ctrl+ Shft+spaceEm space
Esc space n, Alt+Ctrl+spaceEn space
Esc space h, Ctrl+spaceNonbreaking space
Esc space 1 (one)Numeric space
Esc space tThin space
Esc hyphen hNonbreaking hyphen
Esc n sSuppress hyphenation symbol
Esc hyphen Shft+d, Ctrl+hyphenDiscretionary hyphen
Shft+ReturnForced return
Esc ' (apostrophe) then a, A, e, E, i, I, o, O, u, Uá (acute)
Esc ` (left quote) then a, A, n, N, o, Oà (grave)
Esc ~ (tilde) then a, A, e, E, i, I, o, O, u, U, y, Yã (tilde)
Esc % (percent) then a, A, e, E, i, I, o, O, u, U, y, Yä (dieresis)
Esc ^ (caret) then a, A, e, E, i, I, o, O, u, Uâ (circumflex)
Esc * (asterisk) then a, AÃ¥ (ring)
Esc , (comma) then c, Cç (cedilla)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Other useful shortcutskeyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                              Command
Ctrl+l (lowercase L)Redraw the document display
Alt and drag the objectQuick-copy a selected object
Alt and use the left or right mouse button to drag a corner or reshape handleRotate an object arbitrarily
Shft and drag objectMove an object along vertical or horizontal axis
Alt+arrow key/Alt+Shft+arrow keyNudge an object 1 point/6 points
Esc z pFit page in window
Esc z wFit window to page
Esc z zZoom to 100 percent
Esc Shft+f l (lowercase L) kLock or unlock a document or book

Adobe Framemaker 8 Element menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                             Command
Esc Shft+e mMerge
Esc Shft+e sSplit
Esc Shft+e uUnwrap
Esc Shft Shft+e Shft+aEdit Attributes
Esc Shft+e Shft+nNamespaces
Esc Shft+e Shft+cElement Catalog
Esc Shft+e Shft+o Shft+cSet Available Elements
Esc Shft+e Shft+o Shft+iNew Element Options
Esc Shft+e vValidate

Adobe Framemaker 8 Color keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                   Command
Press Shft and choose a color from the Color pop-up menuKeep a color selected after use
Press Alt+ Shft and choose a color from the Color pop-up menu in the Tools paletteAssign a color to all objects in a document, including text
Press Esc v c dDisplay the Color Definitions dialog box
Press Esc v c vDisplay Define Color Views dialog box
Press Esc v and then the numberChoose view number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6) from the Define Color Views dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 Context Menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                            Command
Right-click on an object, in a document margin, or in a book windowDisplay a pop-up menu of commands that apply to the current selection or context

Adobe Framemaker 8 File menu (document window) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                  Command
Esc f n, Ctrl+nNew>Document
Esc f Shft+nNew>Book
Esc f o, Ctrl+oOpen
Esc f c, Esc f q, Ctrl+w, Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+Shft+wClose
Esc f Shft+c, Esc f Shft+qClose All
Esc f s, Ctrl+sSave
Esc f Shft+sSave All
Esc f aSave As
Esc f w pSave As PDF
Esc f w xSave As XML
Esc f rRevert to Saved
Esc f i fImport>File
Esc f i oImport>Formats
Esc f i bImport>Object
Esc f i eImport>Element Definitions
Esc f p, Ctrl+pPrint
Ctrl+ Shft+pPrint Setup
Esc f mSend
Esc f Shft+mSend All Open Files
Esc f t cUtilities>Compare Documents
Esc f t rUtilities>Document Reports
Esc f t hUtilities>HTML Setup
Esc f t fUtilities>Create and Apply Formats
Esc f Shft+pPreferences

Adobe Framemaker 8 File menu (book window) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc f n, Ctrl+nNew Document
Esc f Shft+nNew Book
Esc f Shft o, Ctrl+oOpen
Esc f Shft+oOpen All Files in Book
Esc f c, Ctrl+wClose Book
Esc f Shft+cClose All Files in Book
Esc f s, Ctrl+sSave Book
Esc f Shft+sSave All Files in Book
Esc f aSave Book As
Esc f rRevert to Saved Book
Esc f i oImport>Formats
Esc f i eImport>Element Definitions
Esc f Shft+f,Print Selected Files
Esc f p, Ctrl+pPrint Book
Ctrl+ Shft+pPrint Setup
Esc f bUtilities>Compare Books
Esc f Shft+pPreferences

Adobe Framemaker 8 keyboard shortcuts keys keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                    Command
Esc e u, Ctrl+z, Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+ Shft+zUndo/Redo
Esc e x, Ctrl+x, Shft+DeleteCut
Esc e c, Ctrl+c, Ctrl+InsertCopy
Esc e p, Ctrl+v, Shft+InsertPaste
Ctrl+ Shft+vPaste Special
Esc e bClear
Esc e y aCopy Special>Attribute Values
Esc e y pCopy Special>Paragraph Format
Esc e y cCopy Special>Character Format
Esc e y dCopy Special>Conditional Text Settings
Esc e y wCopy Special>Table Column Width
Esc e a, Ctrl+aSelect All in Flow
Esc e f, Ctrl+fFind/Change
Esc f i n, Esc e Shft+f, Ctrl+ Shft+fFind Next
Esc e sSpelling Checker
Esc e tThesaurus
Esc e iText Inset Properties
Esc e Shft+uUpdate References
Esc e kLinks
(No shortcut available)Object

Adobe Framemaker 8 Edit menu (book window) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                         Command
Esc e u, Ctrl+z, Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+ Shft+zUndo/Redo
Esc e x, Ctrl+x, Shft+DeleteCut
Esc e c, Ctrl+c, Ctrl+InsertCopy
Esc e p, Ctrl+v, Shft+InsertPaste
Ctrl+ Shft+vPaste Special
Esc e bClear
Esc e y aCopy Special>Attribute Values
Esc e aSelect All Files
Esc e Shft+a Shft+fSelect All FrameMaker Files
Esc e Shft+a Shft+nSelect All Non-Generated FrameMaker Files
Esc e Shft+a Shft+gSelect All Generated FrameMaker Files
Esc e f, Ctrl+fFind/Change
Esc f i n, Esc e Shft+f, Ctrl+ Shft+fFind Next
Esc e sSpelling Checker
Esc f dSet Up Generated File
Esc f e, F2Rename File
Esc f xDelete File from Book
Esc e Shft+sSuppress Automatic Reference Updating
Esc e Shft+u, Esc f gUpdate Book

Adobe Framemaker 8 Add menu (book window) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc f fFiles
Esc t o cTable of Contents
Esc l (lowercase L) o fList of>Figures
Esc l (lowercase L) o tList of>Tables
Esc l (lowercase L) o pList of>Elements & Paragraphs
Esc l (lowercase L) o Shft+pList of>Elements & Paragraphs (Alphabetical)
Esc l (lowercase L) o mList of>Markers
Esc l (lowercase L) o Shft+mList of>Markers (Alphabetical)
Esc l (lowercase L) o rList of>References
Esc i xStandard Index of Authors
Esc i o aIndex of>Authors
Esc i o sIndex of>Subjects
Esc i o mIndex of>Markers
Esc i o rIndex of>References

Adobe Framemaker 8 Format menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
(No shortcut available)Font
(No shortcut available)Size
Esc c p, F2Style>Plain
Esc c b, F4, Ctrl+b, Ctrl+ Shft+bStyle>Bold
Esc c i, F5, Ctrl+iStyle>Italic
Esc c u, Ctrl+u, Ctrl+ Shft+uStyle>Underline
Esc c dStyle>Double Underline
Esc c oStyle>Overline
Esc c s, Ctrl+/Style>Strikethrough
Esc c h, Ctrl+ Shft+hStyle>Change Bar
Esc c plusStyle>Superscript
Esc c minusStyle>Subscript
Esc c m, Ctrl+eStyle>Small Caps
Esc o c d, Ctrl+dCharacters>Designer
Esc o c cCharacters>Catalog
Esc o c pCharacters>Default Paragraph Font
Esc o p d, Ctrl+m, Ctrl+ Shft+mParagraphs>Designer
Esc o p cParagraphs>Catalog
Esc o c l (lowercase L)Page Layout>Column Layout
Esc o l l (lowercase L)Page Layout>Line Layout
Esc o p sPage Layout> Page Size
Esc o p iPage Layout>Pagination
Esc o m uPage Layout>Master Page Usage
Esc o m pPage Layout>New Master Page
Esc o u pPage Layout>Update Column Layout
Esc o c fCustomize Layout>Customize Text Frame
Esc Shft+c Shft+cCustomize Layout>Connect Text Frames
Esc Shft+c Shft+pCustomize Layout>Disconnect Previous
Esc Shft+c Shft+nCustomize Layout>Disconnect Next
Esc Shft+c Shft+bCustomize Layout> Disconnect Both
Esc Shft+c Shft+sCustomize Layout> Split Text Frame
Esc p Shft+oCustomize Layout>Rotate Page Clockwise
Esc p oCustomize Layout>Rotate Page Counterclockwise
Esc p Shft+uCustomize Layout>Unrotate Page
Esc o c oCustomize Layout>Combined Fonts
Esc o d n, Esc e nDocument>Numbering
Esc o bDocument>Change Bars
Esc o fDocument>Footnote Properties
Esc o t oDocument>Text Options
Esc o d aDocument>PDF Setup
Esc o rDocument>Rubi Properties
Esc o h pHeaders & Footers>Insert Page #
Esc o h cHeaders & Footers>Insert Page Count
Esc o h dHeaders & Footers>Insert Current Date
Esc o h oHeaders & Footers>Insert Other

Adobe Framemaker 8 View menu (document window) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                        Command
Esc v qQuickAccess Bar
Esc v FFormatting Bar
Esc Shft+v eTrack Text Edit Bar
Esc Shft+v Shft+t Shft+bTabbed Bar
Esc v bBorders
Esc v tText Symbols
Esc v rRulers
Esc v gGrid Lines
Esc v Shft+eElement Boundaries
Esc v Shft+tElement Boundaries (as Tags)
Esc v oOptions
Esc v Shft+aAttribute Display Options
Esc v p, Ctrl+g, Ctrl+ Shft+gGo to Page
Esc v Shft+bBody Pages
Esc v Shft+mMaster Pages
Esc v Shft+rReference Pages
Esc v c vColor>Views
Esc v c dColor>Definitions
Esc v m qMenus>Quick
Esc v m cMenus>Complete
Esc v m mMenus>Modify

Adobe Framemaker 8 View menu (book window) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                        Command
Esc v qQuickAccess Bar
Esc v FFormatting Bar
Esc Shft+v Shft+t Shft+bTabbed Bar
Esc Shft+v b sShow Borders
Esc Shft+v b hHide Borders
Esc Shft+v t sShow Text Symbols
Esc Shft+v t hHide Text Symbols
Esc Shft+v r sShow Rulers
Esc Shft+v r hHide Rulers
Esc Shft+v g sShow Grid Lines
Esc Shft+v g hHide Grid Lines
Esc Shft+v v sShow Graphics
Esc Shft+v v hHide Graphics
Esc Shft+v Shft+e sShow Element Boundaries
Esc Shft+v Shft+e hHide Element Boundaries
Esc Shft+v Shft+t sShow Element Boundaries (as Tags)
Esc v oOptions
Esc v Shft+aAttribute Display Options
Esc z iZoom>In
Esc z oZoom>Out
Esc z zZoom>100 percent
Esc z pZoom>Fit Page in Window
Esc z wZoom>Fit Window to Page
Esc z fZoom>Fit Window to Text Frame
Esc v c vColor>Views
Esc v c dColor>Definitions
Esc v m qMenus>Quick
Esc v m cMenus>Complete
Esc v m mMenus>Modify

Adobe Framemaker 8  Special menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                         Command                                     
Esc s p bPage Break
Esc s aAnchored Frame
Esc s fFootnote
Esc s cCross-Reference
Esc s vVariable
Esc s hHypertext
Esc s mMarker
Esc s eEquations
Esc a cFilter By Attribute
Esc s Shft+cConditional Text
Esc m Shft+cManage Conditional Text
Esc s Shft+cApply Conditional Text
Esc v Shft+cShow/Hide Conditional Text
Esc Shft+v oShow Condition Indicator
Esc Shft+v Shft+o hHide Condition Indicator
Esc v Shft+oToggle Conditional Indicators On/Off
Esc q Shft+sShow One Conditional Text Tag
Esc h Shft+cSelect Same Condition Tags
Esc q Shft+cView the condition applied to the text where the cursor is placed
Esc Shft+f i oFocus in Conditional Text
Esc Shft+c oClose Conditional Text dialog box
Esc s t oTurn on or off the Track Text Edit feature
Esc s t nShow Next
Esc s t pShow Previous
Esc s t aAccept Edit
Esc s t rReject Edit
Esc s t Shft+aAccept All
Esc s t Shft+rReject All
Esc s t Shft+fPreview Final
Esc s t Shft+oPreview Original
Esc s p oPreview Off
Esc s rRubi
Esc t o cTable of Contents
Esc l o fList of>Figures
Esc l o tList of>Tables
Esc l o pList of>Elements & Paragraphs
Esc l o Shft+pList of>Elements & Paragraphs (Alphabetical)
Esc l o mList of>Markers (Alphabetical)
Esc l o Shft+mList of>Markers
Esc l o rList of>References
Esc i xStandard Index
Esc i o aIndex of>Authors
Esc i o sIndex of>Subjects
Esc i o mIndex of>Markers
Esc i o rIndex of>References
Esc s p aAdd Disconnected Pages
Esc s p dDelete Pages
Esc s s fRemove Structure from Flow

Adobe Framemaker 8 Graphics menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                          Command
Esc g Shft+t, Esc one wTools
Esc g gGroup
Esc g uUngroup
Esc g fBring to Front
Esc g bSend to Back
Esc g aAlign
Esc g dDistribute
Esc g rReshape
Esc g sSmooth
Esc g mUnsmooth
Esc g vFlip Up/Down
Esc g hFlip Left/Right
Esc g tRotate
Esc g zScale
Esc g nSet # Sides
Esc g jJoin
Esc g oObject Properties
Esc g Shft+oPick up Properties
Esc g Shft+rRunaround Properties
Esc g yGravity
Esc g pSnap
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+b3D Menu
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L)3D Menu Lighting option
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l + (lowercase L) Shft+l (lowercase L)Lights From File
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + Shft+nNo Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + Shft+wWhite Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + Shft+dDay Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + Shft+bBright Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + Shft+pPrimary Color Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + iNight Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + uBlue Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + Shft+rRed Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + Shft+cCube Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + Shft+oCAD Optimized Lights
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+l (lowercase L) + Shft+hHeadlamp
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+sShow Existing Views
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+rRender Mode option
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + Shft+bBounding Box
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + Shft+tTransparent Bounding Box
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + Shft+oTransparent Bounding Box Outline
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + Shft+vVertices
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + Shft+sShaded Vertices
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + Shft+wWireframe
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + hShaded Wireframe
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + l (lowercase L)Solid
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + rTransparent
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + iSolid Wireframe
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + aTransparent Wireframe
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + uIllustration
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + dSolid Outline
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + eShaded Illustration
Alt + g + 3 + Shft+r + nHidden Wireframe

Adobe Framemaker 8 Table menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                        Command
Esc t iInsert Table
Esc t d, Ctrl+t, Ctrl+Shft+tTable Designer
Esc t rRow Format
Esc t xCustom Ruling & Shading
Esc t aAdd Rows or Columns
Esc t zResize Columns
Esc t l (lowercase L)Straddle/Unstraddle
Esc t vConvert to Table/Convert to Paragraphs
Esc t sSort

Adobe Framemaker 8 Structure Tools menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc f + Shft+a, ALT + r + uStructureTools>Set Structured Application
ALT + r + lStructureTools>Utilities
Esc f + t + s, ALT + r + l + cStructureTools>Utilities>Convert Structured Documents
Esc f + t + d, ALT + r + l + dStructureTools>Utilities>Convert Documents to Structured Format
Esc f + t + Shft+c, ALT + r + l + sStructureTools>Utilities>Structure Current Document
Esc f + t + Shft+d, ALT + r + l + tStructureTools>Utilities>Structure Documents
Esc f Shft+d Shft+nStructureTools>New EDD
Esc f Shft+d Shft+xStructureTools>Export Element Catalog as EDD
Esc f Shft+d Shft+jStructureTools>Import CSS Styles
Esc f Shft+d Shft+eStructureTools>Show Element context
Esc f Shft+d Shft+oStructureTools>Open DTD
Esc f Shft+d Shft+mStructureTools>Import DTD
Esc f Shft+d Shft+sStructureTools>Save as DTD
Esc f Shft+d Shft+yStructureTools>Open Schema
Esc f Shft+d Shft+zStructureTools>Import Schema
Esc f Shft+d Shft+aStructureTools>Edit Application Definitions
Esc f Shft+d Shft+rStructureTools>Read Application Definitions
Esc f Shft+d Shft+wStructureTools>New Read/Write Rules
Esc f Shft+d Shft+cStructureTools>Check Read/Write Rules
Esc f Shft+d Shft+pStructureTools>Parse Structured Document
Esc f Shft+d Shft+gStructureTools>Generate Conversion Table
Esc f Shft+d Shft+hStructureTools>Generate CSS2

Adobe Framemaker 8 DITA menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                             Command
Esc Shft+n Shft+m iDITA>New DITA File>New Note: map refers to an element whose class attribute starts with map/map and can vary from 1 to i.
Esc Shft+n Shft+t 1Esc Shft+n Shft+t 2Esc Shft+n Shft+t iDITA>New DITA File>New DITA>New DITA File>New DITA>New DITA File>New DITA>New DITA File>New Note: topic refers to an element whose class attribute starts with topic/topic and can vary from 1 to i..
Esc Shft+r Shft+mDITA>New DITA File>Refresh Menu
Esc Shft+i Shft+cDITA>Insert Conref
Esc Shft+a Shft+iDITA>Assign ID to Element
Esc Shft+u Shft+rDITA>Update References
Esc Shft+o Shft+aDITA>Open all Topicrefs
Esc Shft+i Shft+tDITA>Insert Topicref
Esc Shft+g Shft+dDITA>Build FM Document From DITA Map
Esc Shft+d Shft+oDITA>DITA Options

Adobe Framemaker 8 Window menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                  Command
(No shortcut available)Arrange Icons
Ctrl+l (lowercase L)Refresh

Adobe Framemaker 8 Window manipulation keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                               Command
Esc w r, Ctrl+l (lowercase L)Redisplay a document window
Alt+F4Close the active window or modeless dialog box
Esc f q, Esc f c, Ctrl+F4, Ctrl+w, Ctrl+Shft+wClose the document window
Esc w cMinimize the document window

Adobe Framemaker 8 Display and activation keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                      Command
Esc Shft+f i d, Shft+F7Current document window
Esc Shft+f i fFind/Change
Esc Shft+f i hHypertext
Esc Shft+f i mMarker
Esc Shft+f i sSpelling Checker
Esc Shft+f i pParagraph Designer
Esc Shft+f i cCharacter Designer
Esc Shft+f i oConditional Text
Esc Shft+f i rCustom Ruling and Shading
Esc Shft+f i tTable Designer
Esc Shft+f i vStructure View
Esc Shft+f i wElement Validation

Adobe Framemaker 8 Navigation within windows keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
TabNext setting
Shft+TabPrevious setting

Adobe Framemaker 8 Command buttons keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                       Command
ReturnClick the default button
spaceClick the active button
EscCancel a dialog box (but not a window)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Radio Buttons and Checkboxes keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
arrow keysNavigate through a group of radio buttons to turn a radio button on
spaceCycle through checkbox states (off, on, As Is)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Popup menuskeyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
up arrowMove to the previous menu item
down arrowMove to the next menu item
UnShfted keySearch forward and select an item starting with a typed letter

Adobe Framemaker 8 keyboard shortcuts keyskeyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                               Command
up arrowMove to the previous item in a list
down arrowMove to the next item in a list
UnShfted keySearch forward and select an item starting with a typed letter
Double-click the itemMove an item in a scroll list to the opposite scroll list
Press and click arrow between scroll listsMove all items in a scroll list to the opposite scroll list

Adobe Framemaker 8 Custom menus keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                     Command
Esc v m uDisplay a custom menu bar

Adobe Framemaker 8 Master and reference pages keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                      Command
Esc p Shft+nRename a master or reference page (display the master or reference page before using this shortcut)
Esc o m p or Esc p mCreate a master page (display a body or master page before using this shortcut)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Page layoutkeyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc o u pUpdate page layouts (display a body page before using this shortcut)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Import formats keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                   Command
Esc f i oImport the formats from another document

Adobe Framemaker 8 Side-head area keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                 Command
Esc j p Shft+sTurn side-head area on or off

Adobe Framemaker 8 Text flows keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc Shft+c Shft+sSplit a text frame below the insertion point
Esc Shft+c Shft+pDisconnect the text frame with the insertion point from the previous frame in a flow
Esc Shft+c Shft+nDisconnect the text frame with the insertion point from the next frame in a flow
Esc Shft+c Shft+bDisconnect the text frame with the insertion point from both the previous and next frames
Esc Shft+c Shft+cConnect two selected text frames

Adobe Framemaker 8 Help keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                  Command
Esc f h, F1Display online Help
Esc w w wAdobe Online
Press Ctrl+n and click Explore Standard TemplatesDisplay Help on using the templates provided with FrameMaker

Adobe Framemaker 8 Open keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                               Command
Double-click the filename in the book windowA document in a book file
Esc f Shft+o, or press and choose Open All Files in Book from the File menuAll files in an active book window
Press Ctrl and click Open in the Open dialog boxA MIF or an MML file as a text file

Adobe Framemaker 8 Save and Close keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                Command
Esc f aDisplay the Save Document dialog box
Esc f s, Ctrl+sSave a document or book
Esc f Shft+s, or press and choose Save All Open Files from the File menuSave all open files
Esc f Shft+s, or press and choose Save All Files in Book from the File menuSave all open files in an active book window in a book
Esc f Shft+c, or press and choose Close All Open Files from the File menuClose all open files
Esc f Shft+c, or press and choose Close All Files in Book from the File menuClose all open files in an active book window in a book

Adobe Framemaker 8 Cancel and undo keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                              Command
EscCancel some FrameMaker commands
Esc e u, Ctrl+z, Alt+Backspace, Ctrl+Shft+zUndo some FrameMaker commands

Adobe Framemaker 8 Navigation within a document keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                                      Command
Esc p p, Page UpPrevious page
Esc p n, Page DownNext page
Esc p f, Alt+Page Up, or press and click the Previous Page buttonFirst page
Esc p l (lowercase L), Alt+Page Down, or press and click the Next Page buttonLast page
Esc v p, Ctrl+gGo to Page dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 Document redisplay keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                           Command
Esc w r, Ctrl+l (lowercase L)Redisplay a document

Adobe Framemaker 8 Zoom keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                       Command
Esc z iIn one zoom setting
Esc z oOut one zoom setting
Esc z pTo fit page in window
Esc z wTo fit window to page
Esc z fTo fit window to text frame
Esc z zTo 100 percent

Adobe Framemaker 8 Hypertext documents keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                            Command
Esc v Shft+pGo to previous location on the hypertext stack
Esc v Shft+nGo to next location on the hypertext stack
Press Ctrl+Alt and click an active areaActivate a hypertext command without locking a document
Esc Shft+f l (lowercase L) kLock or unlock a document
Esc s hOpen Hypertext dialog box
Esc m hInsert new hypertext marker
Esc Shft+f i hMove focus to Hypertext dialog box
Esc Shft+c hClose Hypertext dialog box
Esc v hValidate a hypertext command
Esc Shft+v Shft+fToggle FluidView locked format

Adobe Framemaker 8 Spelling Checker keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                             Command
Esc l (lowercase L) s, or press Ctrl and click Start Checking in the Spelling Checker dialog boxCheck selected text or a word containing the insertion point
Esc l (lowercase L) eCheck the entire document
Esc l (lowercase L) pCheck the current page
Esc l (lowercase L) c wCorrect a word
Esc l (lowercase L) a pAdd a word to your personal dictionary (learn)
Esc l (lowercase L) a dAdd a word to the document dictionary
Esc l (lowercase L) a cAdd a word to automatic corrections
Esc l (lowercase L) x pDelete a word from your personal dictionary (unlearn)
Esc l (lowercase L) x dDelete a word from the document dictionary
Esc l (lowercase L) c aClear automatic corrections
Esc l (lowercase L) Shft+oDisplay the Spelling Checker Options dialog box
Esc l (lowercase L) c dDisplay the Dictionary Functions dialog box
Esc l (lowercase L) bCreate a file of unknown words
Esc l (lowercase L) rMark all paragraphs for rechecking
Esc l (lowercase L) hyphenShow a word's hyphenation
Esc l (lowercase L) Shft+rRehyphenate a document
Double-click the word in the Correction scroll list in the Spelling Checker dialog boxReplace a questioned word

Adobe Framemaker 8 Thesaurus keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                    Command
Esc Shft+t rReplace a selection with the Thesaurus selection

Adobe Framemaker 8 Document comparison keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                               Command
Esc f t cDisplay the Compare Documents dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 Document reports keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                 Command
Esc f t rDisplay the Document Reports dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 HTML and PDF export keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                   Command
Esc f t fCreate and apply formats
Esc f t hOpen the HTML Setup dialog box
Esc o d aOpen the PDF Setup dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 Reference Updating keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc e Shft+sDisplay the Suppress Automatic Reference Updating dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 v keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                      Command
Esc one aArc
Esc one mGraphic Frame
Esc one fFreehand
Esc one oneLast tool selected
Esc one l (lowercase L)Line
Esc one oObject Selection
Esc one eOval
Esc one p gPolygon
Esc one p l (lowercase L)Polyline
Esc one rRectangle
Esc one Shft+rRounded Rectangle
Esc one sSmart Selection
Esc one t fText Frame
Esc one t l (lowercase L)Text Line
Press and draw a lineVertical, horizontal, or diagonal line
Press and draw a rectangleSquare
Press and draw an ovalCircle
Press and draw an arcCircular arc
Esc one w, Esc g Shft+tDisplay the Tools palette
Press and click a drawing toolKeep a tool active after use
Press and click the Object Selection toolReturn to the Object Selection tool after drawing

Adobe Framemaker 8 Fill patterns keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                       Command
Esc zero fFirst fill pattern (solid)
Esc 9 fLast fill pattern (none)
Esc plus fNext fill pattern (if at the last pattern, this does nothing)
Esc minus fPrevious fill pattern (if at the first pattern, this does nothing)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Pen patterns keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc zero pFirst pen pattern (solid)
Esc 9 pLast pen pattern (none)
Esc plus pNext pen pattern (if at the last pattern, this does nothing)
Esc minus pPrevious pen pattern (if at the first pattern, this does nothing)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Line widths keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                   Command
Esc zero wThinnest line width
Esc 9 wThickest line width
Esc plus wNext line width
Esc minus wPrevious line width

Adobe Framemaker 8 Line styles keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                   Command
Esc one d sApply the solid line style to an object
Esc one d dApply the dashed line style to an object
Esc one d iDisplay the Dashed Line Options dialog box
Esc zero dChange to the first dashed line pattern
Esc 9 dChange to the last dashed line pattern
Esc plus dChange to the next dashed line pattern (if at the last pattern, this does nothing)
Esc minus dChange to the previous dashed line pattern (if at the first pattern, this does nothing)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Object selection keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Press Ctrl and click the text line or text frameSelect a text line or text frame
Press and click an objectExtend or shorten the selection
Press Ctrl+ and drag diagonallyForce selection border to appear (when dragging from outside all objects is not possible)
Esc o Shft+fSelect the first object in the draw order
Esc o nSelect the next object in the draw order
Esc o eExtend the selection to the next object in the draw order
Double-click in the text frame or text lineDeselect a text frame or text line and put the insertion point inside it instead

Adobe Framemaker 8 Object manipulation keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                        Command
Press and drag the objectMove an object horizontally or vertically
Press and drag a corner handleMaintain an object's proportions while resizing
Esc g Shft+o, or press and choose Pick up Object Properties from the Graphics menuPick up the properties of the currently selected object in the Tools palette
Esc g r, Ctrl+r, Ctrl+Shft+rDisplay the reshape handle and control points for the line, polyline, polygon, or freehand curve currently selected
Press and drag the ctrl pointMove the control point horizontally or vertically
Drag the ctrl point with the right mouse buttonChange the curve on only one side of a reshape handle (crimp curve)
Esc g wRun text around the contour of a selected graphic
Esc g Shft+wRun text around the bounding box of a selected graphic
Esc g qTurn text runaround off for a selected graphic
Press Alt and drag the objectQuick-copy a selected object
Esc v vTurn display of graphics off or on
Press Ctrl and click a line, polyline, polygon, or freehand curve with reshape handles and ctrl points currently displayedAdd a reshape handle and control points
Press Ctrl and click the reshape handleDelete a reshape handle
Drag (Ctrl-drag to copy)Drag and drop between open windows or applications

Adobe Framemaker 8 Object movement keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Alt+arrow keyOne point in specified direction (at 100 percent zoom setting)
Alt+Shft+arrow keySix points in specified direction (at 100 percent zoom setting)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Object alignment keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                          Command
Esc j t, Ctrl+F1Tops
Esc j m,Ctrl+F2Top/bottom centers
Esc j b, Ctrl+F3Bottoms
Esc j l (lowercase L)Left sides
Esc j cLeft/right centers
Esc j rRight sides

Adobe Framemaker 8 Object rotation keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                        Command
Esc g plusRotate 90 degrees clockwise
Esc g minusRotate 90 degrees counterclockwise
Esc g tRotate precisely by using the Rotate Selected Objects dialog box
Esc g xRotate again
Esc g zeroReturn object to its unrotated orientation (zero degrees)
Esc g oneRerotate object from its unrotated orientation to its previous orientation
Esc g 9Set the current orientation of an object as the new unrotated orientation
Press Alt and drag a corner or reshape handleRotate an object arbitrarily
Press Alt+ and drag a corner or reshape handleConstrain rotation to 45-degree increments
Esc p Shft+oRotate a page clockwise
Esc p oRotate a page counterclockwise
Esc p Shft+uUnrotate a page

Adobe Framemaker 8 Graphic frames keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                         Command
Esc m pShrink-wrap an anchored frame (shrink the frame to an object and position the frame at the insertion point)
Esc m eUnwrap an anchored frame (enlarge the frame)
Click frame name in status barRename a selected reference frame

Adobe Framemaker 8 Marker insertion keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                   Command
Esc m kInsert a marker
Esc m hInsert a hypertext marker
Esc e m tOpen the Edit Marker Types dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 Variable insertionkeyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc q v, Ctrl+zeroInsert a variable by typing the first characters of its name and pressing Return

Adobe Framemaker 8 Filter By Attribute keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                 Command
Esc a cOpen the Manage Attribute Expressions dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 Track Text Edit keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc s t oTurn on or off the Track Text Edit feature
Esc s t nShow Next Text Edit
Esc s t pShow Previous Text Edit
Esc s t aAccept Edit
Esc s t rReject Edit
Esc s t Shft+aAccept All
Esc s t Shft+rReject All
Esc s t Shft+fPreview Final
Esc s t Shft+oPreview Original
Esc s p oPreview Off

Adobe Framemaker 8 Conditional text display keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                Command
Esc v Shft+cDisplay the Show/Hide Conditional Text dialog box
Esc v Shft+oTurn condition indicators on or off
Esc h Shft+cSelect all text around the insertion point that has the same condition tag settings

Adobe Framemaker 8 Conditional text window keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                              Command
Shft+F8Move all condition tags to the As Is scroll list
Shft+F9Change the scroll lists to match the condition tag settings of selected text
Double-click the tagMove a condition tag between the In and the Not In scroll lists
Double-click the tag in the As Is scroll listMove a condition tag from the As Is to the In scroll list

Adobe Framemaker 8 Condition tags bkeyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc q Shft+c, Ctrl+4Apply a condition tag to selected text by typing the first characters of the tag and then pressing Return
Esc q Shft+d, Ctrl+5Remove a condition tag from selected text by typing the first characters of the tag and then pressing Return
Esc q Shft+u, Ctrl+6Make the selected text unconditional

Adobe Framemaker 8 Equations popup menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                        Command
Esc m sNew Small Equation
Esc m mNew Medium Equation
Esc m l (lowercase L)New Large Equation
Esc m pShrink-Wrap Equation
Esc m eUnwrap Equation
Esc p eEquation Sizes
Esc m fEquation Fonts
Esc m iInsert Math Element
Esc m cAdd Definition to Catalog
Esc m Shft+uUpdate Definition

Adobe Framemaker 8 Matrices page keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Ctrl+Shft+tAdd/Remove Brackets
Esc x mCreate 1 x 1 Matrix
Esc x rAdd Row
Esc x c, Ctrl+Shft+cAdd Column
Esc x tMatrix Transpose
Esc x aMatrix Algebra
Esc m t rToggle fixed/proportional
Esc m t cToggle fixed/proportional

Adobe Framemaker 8 Positioning page keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Alt+up arrowMove up 1 point
Alt+down arrowMove down 1 point
Alt+left arrowMove left 1 point
Alt+right arrowMove right 1 point
Alt+Shft+up arrowMove up 6 points
Alt+Shft+down arrowMove down 6 points
Alt+Shft+left arrowMove left 6 points
Alt+Shft+right arrowMove right 6 points
Alt+HomeRemove micropositioning

Adobe Framemaker 8 Left/right (alignment) pop-up menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut1                                                                                  Command
Esc m a l (lowercase L)Left
Esc m a cCenter
Esc m a rRight
Esc m a plusLeft of =
Esc m a =Right of =
Esc m a sSet Manual
Esc m a dClear Manual
Esc m a Shft+rReset Alignment

Adobe Framemaker 8 keyboard shortcuts keys keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                          Command
Esc m a tTop
Esc m a Shft+bBaseline
Esc m a bBottom

Adobe Framemaker 8 Line breaking pop-up menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc m b sSet Manual
Esc m b cClear Manual

Adobe Framemaker 8 Equation - move keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                     Command
left arrowLeft
right arrowRight
down arrowFrom beside a fraction to the numerator

Adobe Framemaker 8 Equation - selection keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                       Command
TabSelect next prompt
spaceIncrease scope of selection
left arrowSelect next element to the left
right arrowSelect next element to the right

Adobe Framemaker 8 Equation - Moving math elements while retaining algebraic equivalency keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                            Command
Shft+left arrowLeft
Shft+right arrowRight
Shft+up arrowUp
Shft+down arrowDown
Ctrl+Alt+left arrowTo far left
Ctrl+Alt+right arrowTo far right
Ctrl+Shft+left arrowLeft into expression
Ctrl+Shft+right arrowRight into expression

Adobe Framemaker 8 Equation - Moving math elements without retaining algebraic equivalency keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                 Command
Ctrl+m Ctrl+left arrowWith element on left
Ctrl+m Ctrl+right arrowWith element on right

Adobe Framemaker 8 v keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                      Command
Press Ctrl and click the cellA cell
Press Ctrl and double-click column (vertical) border in the rowA row
Press Ctrl and double-click row (horizontal) border in the rowA column
Esc t h aAll text in current cell
Esc t h eCurrent cell, then next cell
Esc t h rCurrent row, then next row
Esc t h cCurrent column, then next column
Esc t h bBody cells in current column, then next body cells
Esc t h t, or press Ctrl and triple-click a cellCurrent table
Press Ctrl+- and click the last cell you want in the selectionExtend or shorten the election

Adobe Framemaker 8 Movement in tables keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc t m rCell to the right
Esc t m l (lowercase L)Cell to the left
Esc t m dCell below
Esc t m uCell above
Esc t m eRightmost cell in the current row
Esc t m aLeftmost cell in the current row
Esc t m tTop cell in the current column
Esc t m bBottom cell in the current column
Esc t m s, Esc t h zeroTop-left selected cell
Esc t m Shft+tTop-left cell
Ctrl+Page UpBeginning of cell
Ctrl+Page DownEnd of cell
Tab, Esc t m nNext cell and select all text in cell
Shft+Tab, Esc t m pPrevious cell and select all text in cell
Ctrl+Alt+TabCell below and select all text in cell
Ctrl+Alt+Shft+TabCell above and select all text in cell
Esc t Shft+iAnchor point of a table

Adobe Framemaker 8 Tab characters in cells keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                         Command
Esc TabType a tab character in a cell

Adobe Framemaker 8 Row and column manipulation keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc t Shft+r aAdd rows above top selected row
Esc t Shft+r b, Ctrl+Return, Ctrl+jAdd rows below bottom selected row
Esc t c l (lowercase L)Add columns to left of leftmost selected column
Esc t c rAdd columns to right of rightmost selected column
Esc t c eDelete contents of selected rows or columns, but leave cells in table
Esc t c xDelete selected rows or columns from table
Esc t sSort rows and columns

Adobe Framemaker 8 Row and column replacement keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                        Command
Use this shortcutTo paste whole rows or columns
Esc t p rBy replacing selected rows or columns
Esc t p bBefore current selection (above top selected row or to left of leftmost selected column)
Esc t p aAfter current selection (below bottom selected row or to right of rightmost selected column)

Adobe Framemaker 8 v keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc j t, Ctrl+F1Top alignment
Esc j m, Ctrl+F2Middle alignment
Esc j b, Ctrl+F3Bottom alignment

Adobe Framemaker 8 Column width keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                     Command
Esc t wResize columns so no paragraphs in selected cells wrap
Press Alt and drag selected cell's handleResize Selected column without changing table's width

Adobe Framemaker 8 Table Designer keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Shft+F8Change all settings to As Is
Shft+F9Change all settings to match the selected table
Page UpDisplay previous page of properties
Page DownDisplay next page of properties
Press Ctrl and click ApplyApply only the current group of properties

Adobe Framemaker 8 Table formats keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc t u tApply the current table's format to the catalog and to all tables that have the same tag
Esc t eDisplay the Edit Ruling Style dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 Insert point movement keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
right arrowNext character
left arrowPrevious character
Ctrl+left arrowBeginning of a word
Ctrl+right arrowEnd of a word
Esc b wBeginning of the next word
HomeBeginning of a line
EndEnd of a line
up arrowPrevious line
down arrowNext line
Ctrl+HomeBeginning of a sentence
Ctrl+EndEnd of a sentence
Esc b sBeginning of the next sentence
Ctrl+up arrowBeginning of a paragraph
Ctrl+down arrowEnd of the current paragraph
Esc b pBeginning of the next paragraph
Ctrl+Page UpTop of a column
Ctrl+Page DownBottom of a column
Alt+Shft+Page UpBeginning of a flow
Alt+Shft+Page DownEnd of a flow
Ctrl+Shft+iStart of first visible text flow

Adobe Framemaker 8 Insertion point placement keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc b fFirst column of the first text frame in the draw order
Esc b nNext column, traversing text frames in the draw order

Adobe Framemaker 8 Text selection keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                         Command
Esc h c, Esc Shft+h c,Shft+right arrowNext character
Esc Shft+h Shft+c, Shft+Shft+left arrowPrevious character
Esc h w, Esc Shft+h w, Ctrl+Shft+right arrowCurrent word, then next word
Esc Shft+h Shft+w, Ctrl+Shft+left arrowCurrent word, then previous word
Esc h s, Esc Shft+h s, Ctrl+Shft+EndCurrent sentence, then next sentence
Esc Shft+h Shft+s, Ctrl+Shft+HomeCurrent sentence, then previous sentence
Esc Shft+h l (lowercase L) Esc h l (lowercase L), Shft+EndCurrent line, then next line
Esc Shft+h Shft+l (L), Shft+HomeCurrent line, then previous line
Esc h p, Esc Shft+h p, Ctrl+Shft+down arrowCurrent paragraph, then next paragraph
Esc Shft+h Shft+p, Ctrl+Shft+up arrowCurrent paragraph, then previous paragraph
Esc h d, Shft+down arrowOne line width of text, starting at insertion point
Esc h u, Shft+up arrowOne line width of text, ending at insertion point
Esc h t, Shft+Page UpTo top of a column
Esc h m, Shft+Page DownTo bottom of a column
Esc h g, Ctrl+Shft+Page UpTo beginning of flow
Esc h n, Ctrl+Shft+Page DownTo end of flow
Esc h Ctrl+Shft+fAll text around the insertion point that has the same character format
Esc h fShift selection Right one character
Esc h bShift selection Left one character

Adobe Framemaker 8 Text editing keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                               Command
Triple-click the paragraphSelect a paragraph
Triple-click the paragraph and then dragSelect a paragraph, then next paragraphs
Ctrl+F9Transpose characters
Esc e x, Ctrl+x, Shft+DeleteCut
Esc e c, Ctrl+c, Ctrl+InsertCopy
Esc e p, Shft+Insert, Ctrl+v, Ctrl+yPaste text that you cut or copied
Click where you want to place the copied text. Then press Alt and drag through the text you want to copy.Quick-copy text

Adobe Framemaker 8 Asian text keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc s rType rubi text
Esc o rDisplay the Rubi Properties dialog box
Esc o c oDefine a combined font of Western and Japanese characters (only available on Asian operating systems)

Adobe Framemaker 8 Text deletion keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Ctrl+h, BackspacePrevious character
Ctrl+BackspaceBackward to the start of the previous word
Esc k aBackward to the end of the previous sentence
DeleteNext character
Esc k f, Ctrl+DeleteForward to the end of a word
Ctrl+Shft+DeleteForward to the end of a line
Esc k sForward to the start of the next sentence

Adobe Framemaker 8 Capitalization keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                      Command
Ctrl+Alt+l (lowercase L), Ctrl+Alt+Shft+LChange the current word to all lowercase
Ctrl+Alt+u, Ctrl+Alt+Shft+uChange the current word to all uppercase
Ctrl+Alt+cChange the current word to initial caps
Esc e Shft+cDisplay the Capitalization dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 Character and Paragraph Designers keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Shft+F8Change all settings to As Is
Shft+F9Change all settings to match selected text
Page UpDisplay the previous set of properties
Page DownDisplay the next set of properties
Press Ctrl and click ApplyApply only the current group of properties

Adobe Framemaker 8 keyboard shortcuts keys keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                   Command
Esc q p, F9, Ctrl+9Apply a paragraph format by typing the first characters of its tag and pressing Return
Esc j cCenter a paragraph
Esc j l (lowercase L)Left-align a paragraph
Esc j rRight-align a paragraph
Esc j fJustify a paragraph (left and right)
Esc j p nPosition the current paragraph in the column, removing any straddling or run-in formatting
Esc j p rChange current paragraph to a run-in head
Esc j p sChange current paragraph to a side head
Esc j p tMake current paragraph straddle all columns
Esc j p Shft+tMake current paragraph straddle both the side-head area and columns
Esc j oneChange line spacing to single spacing
Esc j /Change line spacing to 1-1/2 spacing
Esc j 2Change line spacing to double spacing
Esc j xChange line spacing to fixed (default font size plus leading)
Esc j oChange line spacing to floating (largest font size plus leading)
Esc j plus, Esc plus oneIncrease line spacing 1 point
Esc j minus, Esc minus oneDecrease line spacing 1 point
Esc j Shft+uMake paragraphs with the current paragraph's tag and the Paragraph Catalog definition match the current paragraph's format (unify)
Esc j Shft+aStart a paragraph anywhere
Esc j Shft+cStart a paragraph at the top of a column
Esc j Shft+pStart a paragraph at top of a page
Esc j Shft+l (L)Start a paragraph at the top of a left page
Esc j Shft+rStart a paragraph at the top of a right page
Esc j hTurn on hyphenation
Esc j nTurn off hyphenation
Esc j jRepeat last paragraph-related command
Esc o p cDisplay Paragraph Catalog
Esc o p uDisplay Update Paragraph Format dialog box
Esc j wDisplay Space Between Paragraphs dialog box
Esc j uDisplay Custom Line Spacing dialog box

Adobe Framemaker 8 Character formats keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Esc q c, F8, Ctrl+8Apply a character format by typing the first characters of its tag and pressing Return
Esc o c pChange text to default paragraph font; remove character tag from text in a text line
Esc c b, F4, Ctrl+b, Ctrl+Shft+bTurn bold on or off
Esc c i, F5, Ctrl+iTurn italic on or off
Esc c u, F3, Ctrl+u, Ctrl+Shft+uTurn underline on or off
Esc c dTurn double underline on or off
Esc c 2Turn numeric underline on or off
Esc c s, Ctrl+/Turn strikethrough on or off
Esc c o, Shft+F3Turn overline on or off
Esc c p, F2Change text to plain
Esc c plusTurn superscript on or off
Esc c minusTurn subscript on or off
Esc c =Put text on baseline
Esc c m, Ctrl+eChange text to small caps
Esc c h, Ctrl+Shft+hTurn change bars on or off
Esc c kTurn pair kerning on or off
Alt+arrow keyManually kern text 1 point in specified direction (at 100 percent zoom setting)
Alt+Shft+arrow keyManually kern text 6 points in specified direction (at 100 percent zoom setting)
Alt+HomeRemove all manual kerning
Esc c ] (right square bracket)Increase size 1 point
Esc c [ (left square bracket)Decrease size by 1 point
Esc [ (left square bracket) Shft+dSqueeze 20 percent of an em space
Esc [ (left square bracket) Shft+cSpread 20 percent of an em space
Esc [ (left square bracket) nSet font stretch to 100 percent
Esc [ (left square bracket) cReduce font stretch by 5 percent
Esc [ (left square bracket) eIncrease font stretch by 5 percent
Esc c cRepeat the last font-related command
Esc c tToggle Tsume (Japanese only)
Esc o c cDisplay the Character Catalog

Adobe Framemaker 8 Working with structure keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
PressTo move the insertion point
Esc s Shft+sTo start of the current element
Esc s Shft+eTo end of the current element
Esc s Shft+d, Alt+Ctrl+down arrowAfter the next element
Esc s Shft+u, Alt+Ctrl+up arrowBefore the previous element
Esc s Shft+b, Alt+Ctrl+left arrowBefore the current element's parent
Esc s Shft+n, Alt+Ctrl+right arrowTo start of the next element's contents
PressWorking with structure - select
Esc h Shft+eCurrent element
Esc h Shft+n, Alt+Ctrl+Shft+down arrowNext element
Esc h Shft+p, Alt+Ctrl+Shft+up arrowPrevious element
Esc h Shft+sSiblings of the current element
Esc h e Shft+p, Alt+Ctrl+Shft+left arrowParent of the current element
Alt+Ctrl+Shft+up arrowExtend selection Up by one element
Alt+Ctrl+ down arrowExtend selection Down by one element

Adobe Framemaker 8 Working with structure - misc keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                         Command
Alt+Ctrl+Shft+left arrowTo include the parent
Esc Shft+e i, Ctrl+1 (one)Insert element
Esc Shft+e w, Ctrl+2Wrap element
Esc Shft+e uUnwrap element
Esc Shft+e c, Ctrl+3Change element
Esc Shft+e mMerge into first element
Esc Shft+e Shft+mMerge into last element
Esc Shft+e Shft+pMove element up one level
Esc Shft+e Shft+dMove element down one level
Esc Shft+e Shft+tTranspose element with previous element
Esc Shft+e tTranspose element with next element
Esc Shft+e sSplit element
Ctrl+7Edit attribute value
Esc e eRepeat last Element Catalog command
Esc v Shft+eToggle display of element boundaries (as brackets)
Esc v Shft+tToggle display of element boundaries (as tags)
Esc Shft+e vValidate a document
Esc Shft+e Shft+vDisplay Structure View

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