List of shortcut keys for HTMLKit.
HTMLKit keyboard shortcuts keys
Shortcut | Command | |
Alt+, | Insert start tag -- <_> or <..._> | |
Alt+. | Insert end tag -- </_> or </...>_ | |
Alt+End | Add end tag for the last start tag. | |
Alt+F4 | Exit HTML-Kit. | |
Alt+F5 | Edit the current file as a style sheet | |
Alt+F7 | Toggle spelling error highlighting on/off | |
Alt+F8 | Open editor content in a new browser window. | |
Alt+Home | Go to the matching tag for the current tag. | |
Alt+Ins | Enclose the selected text with a specified tag... | |
BkSp | Delete character before caret | |
Ctrl+, | Go to previous tag... | |
Ctrl+. | Go to next tag... | |
Ctrl+/ | Unindent selected block. | |
Ctrl+A | Select the entire file. | |
Ctrl+Alt+, | Insert start and end tags -- <_></> or <...>_</...> | |
Ctrl+Alt+. | Insert empty tag -- <_ /> or <..._ /> | |
Ctrl+Alt+F5 | Insert style tag -- <style>...</style> | |
Ctrl+Alt+Home | Select content between the current tag and the matching tag. | |
Ctrl+Alt+I | Insert template... | |
Ctrl+Alt+N | Create a new file. | |
Ctrl+C | Copy selected text | |
Ctrl+End | Move to end of document | |
Ctrl+Enter | Insert break tag -- <BR> | |
Ctrl+F | Find the specified text. | |
Ctrl+F10 | Customize keyboard shortcuts... | |
Ctrl+F12 | Cycle through the edit, preview, output and split window tabs. | |
Ctrl+F2 | Toggle bookmark at the cursor. | |
Ctrl+F3 | Search for the selected text in the editor. | |
Ctrl+F4 | Close the file. | |
Ctrl+F5 | Edit style tag content -- <style>...</style> | |
Ctrl+F8 | Show current file in the Active Preview window (preview as you type) | |
Ctrl+G | Go to the specified location. | |
Ctrl+H | Replace the specified text with different text. | |
Ctrl+Home | Move to start of document | |
Ctrl+K | Make link... | |
Ctrl+L | Import a web page or a FTP file... | |
Ctrl+Left | Move to start of previous word | |
Ctrl+M | Find the matching character -- [], {}, () and <>. | |
Ctrl+N | Create a new file based on a template... | |
Ctrl+O | Open an existing file... | |
Ctrl+P | Print the file... | |
Ctrl+Right | Move to start of next word | |
Ctrl+S | Save the file... | |
Ctrl+T | Select HTML tag (<...>) at the cursor position. | |
Ctrl+Tab | Activate the next window. | |
Ctrl+U | Upload file to the Workspace | |
Ctrl+V | Paste text | |
Ctrl+X | Cut selected text | |
Ctrl+Y | Redo action | |
Ctrl+Z | Undo action | |
Del | Delete character at caret | |
Down | Move to line below | |
End | Move to end of current line | |
F1 | Lookup help for the keyword at the cursor... | |
F11 | Use the full screen view. | |
F12 | Toggle between the Editor and Preview tabs | |
F2 | Go to the next bookmark. | |
F3 | Find the next occurrence of the specified text. | |
F6 | Repeat the last plugin action. | |
F7 | Spell check current file or selection. | |
F8 | Preview file in the default browser. | |
F9 | Check, correct, convert and format HTML. | |
Home | Move to start of current line | |
Ins | Toggle insert / overwrite mode | |
Left | Move to the left | |
PgDn | Move down one page | |
PgUp | Move up one page | |
Right | Move to the right | |
Shft+Alt+, | Select to the start of the tag. | |
Shft+Alt+. | Select up to the end of the tag. | |
Shft+Alt+F5 | Insert style attribute -- style= ... | |
Shft+Alt+Home | Select up to the matching tag. | |
Shft+Ctrl+Alt+F5 | Create new style sheet file | |
Shft+Ctrl+C | Append the selected text to the clipboard. | |
Shft+Ctrl+F2 | Clear all bookmarks. | |
Shft+Ctrl+I | Insert snippet... | |
Shft+Ctrl+M | Select upto the matching character -- [], {}, () and <>. | |
Shft+Ctrl+O | Open file linked to the tag at the cursor | |
Shft+Ctrl+Space | Insert non-breaking space entity. | |
Shft+Ctrl+T | Select content between tags (>...<). | |
Shft+Ctrl+Tab | Activate the previous window. | |
Shft+Ctrl+V | Pick and paste a previously copied block of text. | |
Shft+Ctrl+X | Append the selected text to the clipboard and delete it. | |
Shft+F2 | Go to the previous bookmark. | |
Shft+F3 | Find the previous occurrence of the specified text. | |
Shft+F5 | Edit style attribute value -- style= ... | |
Shft+F7 | Lookup the current word in the thesaurus. | |
Up | Move to line above |
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