Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pegasus Mail 4.4 keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcut keys for Pegasus Mail 4.4. File menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Edit menu keyboard shortcuts keys,Addresses keyboard shortcuts keys,Tools keyboard shortcuts keys,Messages keyboard shortcuts keys,Grouped views keyboard shortcuts keys,Message Reader keyboard shortcuts keys,Window keyboard shortcuts keys

Pegasus Mail 4.4 File menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                     Command
Ctrl+OOpen Saved Messages
Ctrl+WRead new mail
Ctrl+LMail folders...

Pegasus Mail 4.4 Edit menu keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                  Command
Ctrl+FFind text...
Ctrl+RFind and replace...
Ctrl+GFind/replace again
Ctrl+ASelect all

Pegasus Mail 4.4 Addresses keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                             Command
F2Local users...
F3Address books...
F4Logged-in users...
F6Distribution lists...
Shft+F3Quick lookup

Pegasus Mail 4.4 Tools keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                       Command
Ctrl+;Glossary create/edit
Ctrl+KCheck spelling

Pegasus Mail 4.4 Messages keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                     Command
F5Incremental search
Ctrl+QPerform quick selection

Pegasus Mail 4.4 Grouped views keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                  Command
Ctrl+Shft+0None (normal view)
Ctrl+Shft+1Group by day
Ctrl+Shft+2Group by week
Ctrl+Shft+3Group by month
Ctrl+Shft+4Group by subject
Ctrl+Shft+5Group by thread
Ctrl+Shft+6Group by thread activity
Ctrl+Shft+7Group by sender
Ctrl+Shft+8Index by sender
Ctrl+Shft+9Group by colour
Ctrl+SSave message to disk
F11Set colour...
Ctrl+9Add/edit annotation
Ctrl+UMark messages as unread
Ctrl+RMark messages as read
F12Edit message flags...

Pegasus Mail 4.4 Message Reader keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                       Command
RStart a reply to the message
FForward the message to another address
CCopy the message to a folder
MMove the message to a folder
D or DelDelete the message
P or Ctrl+PPrint the message
XOpen the next mail message or digest contained within the message in its own window
VSwitch between fancy and plain views (if available)
Ctrl+FFind text within the message
ZSwitch between normal and expanded header view
Ctrl+SSave the message text to a file on disk
F5Reformat long lines in the message (setting is sticky )
Ctrl+F5Wrap long lines in the message (setting is sticky )
F12Switch to a monospaced view of the message (does not work in HTML or text/enriched messages)
F11Select a folder display colour for the message
F8Switch to the Message view
F7Switch to the Attachments view
F9Switch to the Annotations view
Ctrl+HToggle between the Raw and Message views
1 or Ctrl+1Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #1
2 or Ctrl+2Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #2
3 or Ctrl+3Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #3
4 or Ctrl+4Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #4
5 or Ctrl+5Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #5
6 or Ctrl+6Quick-move or quick-copy to quickfolder #6

Pegasus Mail 4.4 Window keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                  Command
Shft +F4Enlarge

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Adobe Photoshop CS3 keyboard shortcuts

Note: In Photoshop, shortcuts are customizable by using the Keyboard Shortcuts command. Choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts.


List of shortcut keys for Adobe Photoshop CS3. Keys for selecting tools keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for selecting tools in the Extract toolbox keyboard shortcuts keys, Keys for selecting tools in the Liquify toolbox keyboard shortcuts keys,Result (Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker) keyboard shortcuts keys,Result (Extract and Liquify) keyboard shortcuts keys,Result (Extract and Pattern Maker) keyboard shortcuts keys,Result (Extract only) keyboard shortcuts keys,Result (Liquify only) keyboard shortcuts keys,Result (Pattern Maker only) keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Filter Gallery keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Refine Edge dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Black-and-White dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Camera Raw dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Curves dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using Photomerge keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using Vanishing Point keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for working with blending modes keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for viewing images keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for selecting and moving objects keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for editing paths keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for painting objects keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for transforming selections, selection borders, and paths keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for selecting, editing, and navigating through text keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for formatting type keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for slicing and optimizing keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using palettes keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Actions palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Animation palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Animation palette Timeline Mode (Photoshop Extended Only) keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Clone Source keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Brushes palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Channels palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Color palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the History palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Info palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Layer Comps palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Layers palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using the Paths palette keyboard shortcuts keys, Keys for using the Swatches palette keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using Measurement (Photoshop Extended Only) keyboard shortcuts keys,Keys for using 3D tools (Photoshop Extended) keyboard shortcuts keys,

Keys for working with DICOM files (Photoshop Extended) keyboard shortcuts keys,Function keys keyboard shortcuts keys

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for selecting tools keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                               Command
Shft-press shortcut key (if Use Shft Key for Tool Switch preference is selected)Cycle through tools with the same shortcut key
Alt-click + toolCycle through hidden tools (except add anchor point, delete anchor point, and convert point tools)
VMove tool
MRectangular Marquee tool, EllipticalMarquee tool
LLasso tool, Polygonal Lasso tool, MagneticLasso tool
WMagic Wand tool,Quick Selection tool
CCrop tool
KSlice tool, Slice Select tool
JSpot Healing Brush tool, Healing Brushtool, Patch tool, Red Eye tool
BBrush tool, Pencil tool, ColorReplacement tool
SClone Stamp tool, Pattern Stamp tool
YHistory Brush tool, Art History Brushtool
EEraser tool, BackgroundEraser tool, Magic Eraser tool (in Photoshop)
GGradient tool, Paint Bucket tool
RBlur tool, Sharpen tool, Smudgetool
ODodge tool, Burn tool, Spongetool
PPen tool, Freeform Pen tool
THorizontal Type tool, Vertical Typetool , Horizontal Type mask tool, Vertical Type mask tool
APath Selection tool,Direct Selectiontool
URectangle tool, Rounded Rectangle tool, Ellipsetool, Polygon tool, Line tool , Custom Shape tool
NNotes tool, Audio Annotation tool (in Photoshop)
IEyedropper tool, ColorSampler tool, Measure tool, Count tool
HHand tool
ZZoom tool

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for selecting tools in the Extract toolbox keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut             Command
BEdge Highlighter tool
GFill tool
IEyedropper tool
CCleanup tool
TEdge Touchup tool

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for selecting tools in the Liquify toolbox keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut          Command
WForward Warp tool
RReconstruct tool
CTwirl Clockwise tool
SPucker tool
BBloat tool
OPush Left tool
MMirror tool
TTurbulence tool
FFreeze Mask tool
DThaw Mask tool

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Result (Extract, Liquify, and Pattern Maker) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                          Command
TabCycle through controls on right from top in Adobe Photoshop
Shft + TabCycle through controls on right from bottom
SpacebarTemporarily activate Hand tool
AltChange Cancel to Reset

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Result (Extract and Liquify) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Up or Down arrow keysDecreases or increases brush size in Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Result (Extract and Pattern Maker) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                               Command
Ctrl + 0Fit in window
Ctrl + + (plus)Zoom in
Ctrl + - (hyphen)Zoom out

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Result (Extract only) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                          Command
Alt Edge Highlighter/Eraser toolToggle between Edge Highlighter tool and Eraser tool
Ctrl with Edge Highlighter tool selectedToggle Smart Highlighting
Alt DeleteRemove current highlight in Adobe Photoshop
Ctrl + DeleteHighlight entire image
Shft-click with Fill tool selectedFill foreground area and preview extraction
Ctrl-dragMove mask when Edge Touchup tool is selected
Alt-dragAdd opacity when Cleanup tool is selected
XToggle Show menu options in preview between Original and Extracted in Adobe Photoshop
Shft XEnable Cleanup and Edge Touchup tools before preview
FCycle through Display menu in preview from top to bottom in Adobe Photoshop
Shft FCycle through Display menu in preview from bottom to top
Down Arrow/Up Arrow in Brush Size text boxDecrease/increase brush size by 1 (Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10)
Left Arrow/Right Arrow with Brush Size Slider showingDecrease/increase brush size by 1 (Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10)
0-9Set strength of Cleanup or Edge Touch-up tool

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Result (Liquify only) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                  Command
Alt toolReverse direction for Bloat, Pucker, Push Left,and Mirror tools in Adobe Photoshop
Alt-drag in preview with Reconstruct tool, Displace, Amplitwist, or Affine mode selectedContinually sample the distortion
Down Arrow/Up Arrow in Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, or Turbulent Jitter text boxDecrease/increase brush size by 2, or density,pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1 (Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10)
Left Arrow/Right Arrow with Brush Size, Density, Pressure, Rate, or Turbulent Jitter slider showingDecrease/increase brush size by 2, or density,pressure, rate, or turbulent jitter by 1 (Hold down Shift to decrease/increase by 10)
Ctrl ZRedo last step in Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Result (Pattern Maker only) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Ctrl + DDelete current selection
Ctrl + ZUndo a selection move
Ctrl + GGenerate or generate again
Shft + Alt + selectIntersect with current selection
XToggle view: original/generated pattern
HomeGo to first tile in Tile History in Adobe Photoshop
EndGo to last tile in Tile History
Left Arrow, Page UpGo to previous tile in Tile History
Right Arrow, Page DownGo to next tile in Tile History
DeleteDelete current tile from Tile History
Shft-press shortcut keyNudge selection when viewing the original (if Use Shift Key for Tool Switch preference is selected)
Shft + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down ArrowIncrease selection nudging when viewing theoriginal

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Filter Gallery keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Alt-click a filterApply a new filter on top of selected
Alt-click a disclosure triangleOpen/close all disclosure triangles
CtrlChange Cancel button to Default in Adobe Photoshop
AltChange Cancel button to Reset
Ctrl + ZUndo/Redo
Ctrl + Shft + ZStep forward
Ctrl + Alt + ZStep backward

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Refine Edge dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                  Command
Ctrl + Alt + ROpen the Refine Edge dialog box
FCycle (forward) through preview modes
Shft FCycle (backward) through preview modes in Adobe Photoshop
XToggle between original image and selection preview
PToggle the preview option (on and off) in Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Black-and-White dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Shft Ctrl Alt BOpen the Black-and-White dialog box in Adobe Photoshop
Left Arrow/Right ArrowIncrease/decrease selected value by %1
Shft + Left Arrow/Right ArrowIncrease/decrease selected value by %10
Click-drag on the imageChange the values of the closest color slider

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Camera Raw dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                         Command
ZZoom tool
HHand tool
IWhite Balance tool
SColor Sampler tool
CCrop tool
AStraighten tool
LRotate image left
RRotate image right
Ctrl + + (plus)Zoom in
Ctrl + - (hyphen)Zoom out
CtrlTemporarily switch to Zoom In tool in Adobe Photoshop(Doesn't work when Straighten tool is selected. If Crop tool is active, temporarily switches to Straighten tool.)
ShftTemporarily active the White Balance tool (does not work if Crop tool is active)
Click the first point; Shft-click additional pointsSelect multiple points in Curves panel
Ctrl-click in previewAdd point to curve in Curves panel
Arrow keysMove selected point in Curves panel (1 unit)
Shft-arrowMove selected point in Curves panel (10 units)
Ctrl + ROpen selected images in Camera Raw dialog box from Bridge
Shft double-click imagOpen selected images from Bridge bypassing Camera Raw dialog box in Adobe Photoshop
AltChange Cancel button to Reset and Save button to bypass Save dialog box
Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down ArrowDisplay highlights that will be clipped in Preview

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Curves dialog box keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Ctrl MOpen the Curves dialog box in Adobe Photoshop
Ctrl + TabSelect next point on the curve
Shft + Ctrl + TabSelect the previous point on the curve
Ctrl-click on the pointsSelect multiple points on the curve
Ctrl + DDeselect a point
Select a point and press DeleteTo delete a point on the curve
Arrow keysMove the selected point 1 unit
Shft + Arrow keysMove the selected point 10 units
Alt-drag black/white point slidersDisplay highlights and shadows that will be clipped in Adobe Photoshop
Ctrl-click the imageSet a point to the composite curve
Shft + Ctrl-click the imageSet a point to the channel curves
Alt-click the fieldToggle grid size

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using Photomerge keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                                    Command
ASelect Image tool in Adobe Photoshop
RRotate Image tool
VSet Vanishing Point tool
ZZoom tool
HMove View tool
SpacebarSwitch to Move View tool (temporary)
Ctrl + ZStep backward
Ctrl + Shft + ZStep forward
Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down ArrowMove selected image 1 pixel
AltChange Cancel to Reset
Alt-move pointer over imageShow individual image border

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using Vanishing Point keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
ZZoom tool
XZoom 2x (temporary)
HHand tool
SpacebarSwitch to Hand tool (temporary)
Ctrl + + (plus)Zoom in
Ctrl + - (hyphen)Zoom out
Ctrl + 0 (zero), Double-click Hand toolFit in view
Double-click Zoom toolZoom to center at 100%
]Increase brush size (Brush, Stamp tools)
[Decrease brush size (Brush, Stamp tools)
Shft + ]Increase brush hardness (Brush, Stamp tools)
Shft + [Decrease brush hardness (Brush, Stamp tools)
Ctrl + ZUndo last action
Ctrl + Shft + ZRedo last action
Ctrl + DDeselect all
Ctrl + HHide selection and planes
Arrow keysMove selection 1 pixel
Shft + arrow keysMove selection 10 pixels
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + Shft + TRepeat last duplicate and move
Ctrl Alt TCreate a floating selection from the current selection in Adobe Photoshop
Ctrl-dragFill a selection with image under the pointer
Ctrl + Alt-dragCreate a duplicate of a floating selection
Alt + Shft to rotateConstrain a rotate plan to a 15º rotation
Ctrl-click the planeSelect a plane under another selected plane in Adobe Photoshop
Alt-click OKRender plane grids
Ctrl-dragCreate 90 degree plane off parent plane
BackspaceDelete last node while creating plane
Double-click the Create Plane toolMake a full canvas plane, square to the camera
Ctrl + Shft + HShow/hide measurements (Photoshop Extended only)
Ctrl + EExport to a DFX file (Photoshop Extended only)
Ctrl + Shft + EExport to a 3DS file (Photoshop Extended only)

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for working with blending modes keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                           Command
Shft + + (plus) or - (minus)Cycle through blending modes
Shft + Alt + NNormal
Shft + Alt + IDissolve
Shft + Alt + QBehind (Brush tool only)
Shft + Alt + RClear (Brush tool only)
Shft + Alt + KDarken
Shft + Alt + MMultiply
Shft + Alt + BColor Burn
Shft + Alt + ALinear Burn
Shft + Alt + GLighten
Shft + Alt + SScreen
Shft + Alt + DColor Dodge
Shft + Alt + WLinear Dodge
Shft + Alt + OOverlay
Shft + Alt + FSoft Light
Shft + Alt + HHard Light
Shft + Alt + VVivid Light
Shft + Alt + JLinear Light
Shft + Alt + ZPin Light
Shft + Alt + LHard Mix
Shft + Alt + EDifference
Shft + Alt + XExclusion
Shft + Alt + UHue
Shft + Alt + TSaturation
Shft + Alt + CColor
Shft + Alt + YLuminosity
Sponge tool + Shft + Alt + DDesaturate
Sponge tool + Shft + Alt + SSaturate
Dodge tool/Burn tool + Shft + Alt + SDodge/burn shadows
Dodge tool/Burn tool + Shft + Alt + MDodge/burn midtones
Dodge tool/Burn tool + Shft + Alt + HDodge/burn highlights
Shft Alt NSet blending mode to Threshold for bitmap images,Normal for all other images in Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for viewing images keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Ctrl + TabCycles through open documents
Shft-Ctrl-WClose a file in Photoshop and open Bridge
QToggle between Standard mode and Quick Mask mode
FToggle (forward) between Standard screen mode,Maximized screen mode, Full screen mode, and Full screen mode with menu bar
Shft FToggle (backward) between Standard screen mode, Maximized screen mode, Full screen mode, and Full screen mode with menu bar
Space + FToggle (forward) canvas color
(or right-click canvas background and select color)

Space + Shft + FToggle (backward) canvas color
Double-click Hand toolFit image in window
Double-click Zoom toolMagnify 100%
SpacebarSwitch to Hand tool (when not in text-edit mode) in Adobe Photoshop
Ctrl + spacebarSwitch to Zoom In tool
Alt + spacebarSwitch to Zoom Out tool
Spacebar-dragMove Zoom marquee while dragging with the Zoom tool
Shft + Enter in Navigator palette zoom percentage boxApply zoom percentage, and keep zoom percentage box active
Ctrl-drag over preview in Navigator paletteZoom in on specified area of an image
Spacebar-drag, or drag view area box in Navigator paletteScroll image with Hand tool in Adobe Photoshop
Page Up or Page DownScroll up or down 1 screen
Shft + Page Up or Page DownScroll up or down 10 units
Home or EndMove view to upper left corner or lower right corner
\ (backslash)Toggle layer mask on/off as rubylith (layer mask must be selected)

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for selecting and moving objects keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                         Command
Any marquee tool (except single column and single row) + spacebar-dragReposition marquee while selecting*
Any selection tool Shft-dragAdd to a selection in Adobe Photoshop
Any selection tool + Alt-dragSubtract from a selection
Any selection tool (except Quick Selection tool) + Shft-Alt-dragIntersect a selection
Shft-dragConstrain marquee to square or circle (ifno other selections are active)*
Alt-dragDraw marquee from center (if no other selectionsare active)*
Shft + Alt-dragConstrain shape and draw marquee from center*
Ctrl (except when Hand, Slice, Path, Shape, or any Pen tool is selected)Switch to Move tool in Adobe Photoshop
Alt-dragSwitch from Magnetic Lasso tool to Lasso tool
Alt-clickSwitch from Magnetic Lasso tool to polygonalLasso tool
Enter/Esc or Ctrl + . (period)Apply/cancel an operation of the Magnetic Lasso
Move tool + Alt-drag selection*Move copy of selection
Any selection + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down ArrowMove selection area 1 pixel
Move tool + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down ArrowMove selection 1 pixel
Ctrl + Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down ArrowMove layer 1 pixel when nothing selected on layer
Magnetic Lasso tool + [ or ]Increase/decrease detection width
Crop tool Enter or EscAccept cropping or exit cropping in Adobe Photoshop
/ (forward slash)Toggle crop shield off and on
Ruler tool + Alt-drag end pointMake protractor
Shft-drag guideSnap guide to ruler ticks (except when View >Snap is unchecked)
Alt-drag guideConvert between horizontal and vertical guide

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for editing paths keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                Command
Direct selection tool Shft-clickSelect multiple anchor points in Photoshop
Direct selection tool + Alt-clickSelect entire path
Pen (any pen tool), Path Selection or Direct Selection tool + Ctrl + Alt-dragDuplicate a path
CtrlSwitch from Path Selection, Pen, Add Anchor Point, Delete Anchor Point, or Convert Point tools, to Direct Selection tool
AltSwitch from Pen tool or Freeform Pen tool to Convert Point tool when pointer is over anchor or direction point
Magnetic Pen tool-double-clickClose path
Magnetic Pen tool + Alt-double-clickClose path with straight-line segment

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for painting objects keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                          Command
Any painting tool + Alt or any shape tool + Alt (except when Paths optn is selected)Eyedropper tool
Eyedropper tool + Alt-clickSelect background color
Eyedropper tool + ShftColor sampler tool
Color sampler tool + Alt-clickDeletes color sampler
Any painting or editing tool + Shft + number keysSets opacity, tolerance, strength, or exposure for painting mode
(e.g., 0 = 100%, 1 = 10%, 4 then 5 in quick succession = 45%)
(When airbrush option is enabled, use Shift + number keys)

Any painting or editing tool + Shft + number keysSets flow for painting mode(e.g., 0 = 100%, 1 = 10%, 4 then 5 in quick succession = 45%) (When airbrush option is enabled, omit Shift)
Shft (plus) or - (minus)Cycles through blending modes in Photoshop
Alt + Backspace, or Ctrl + BackspaceFills selection/layer with foreground or backgroundcolor (Hold down Shift to preserve transparency)
Ctrl + Alt + BackspaceFills from history (Hold down Shift to preserve transparency)
Shft + BackspaceDisplays Fill dialog box
/ (forward slash)Lock transparent pixels on/off in Photoshop
Any painting tool + Shft-clickConnects points with a straight line

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for transforming selections, selection borders, and paths keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
AltTransform from center or reflect
Ctrl + . (period) or EscCancel
Ctrl + Alt + TFree transform with duplicate data
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + TTransform again with duplicate data

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for selecting, editing, and navigating through text keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                      Command
Ctrl-drag type when Type layer is selectedMove type in image
Shft + Left Arrow/Right Arrow or Down Arrow/Up Arrow,
or Ctrl + Shft + Left Arrow/Right Arr
Select 1 character left/right or 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right
Shft-clickSelect characters from insertion point to mouse click point
Left Arrow/Right Arrow, Down Arrow/Up Arrow, or Ctrl + Left Arrow/Right ArrowMove 1 character left/right, 1 line down/up, or 1 word left/right
Shft-clickCreate a new text layer, when a text layer is selected in the Layers palette
Double-click, triple-click, quadruple-click, or quintuple-clickSelect word, line, paragraph, or story in Photoshop
Ctrl + HShow/Hide selection on selected type
CtrlDisplay the bounding box for transforming text when editing text, or activate Move tool if cursor is inside the bounding box
Ctrl-drag a bounding box handleScale text within a bounding box when resizing the bounding box
Spacebar-dragMove text box while creating text box in Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for formatting type keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                            Command
Horizontal type tool + Ctrl + Shft + L, C, or RAlign left, center, or right
Vertical type tool + Ctrl + Shft + L, C, or RAlign top, center, or bottom
Ctrl + Shft + YReturn to default font style
Ctrl + Shft + XChoose 100% horizontal scale
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + XChoose 100% vertical scale
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + AChoose Auto leading
Ctrl + Shft + QChoose 0 for tracking
Ctrl + Shft + JJustify paragraph, left aligns last line
Ctrl + Shft + FJustify paragraph, justifies all
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + HToggle paragraph hyphenation on/off
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + TToggle single/every-line composer on/off
Ctrl + Shft + < or >Decrease or increase type size of selected text 2 points or pixels (Hold down Alt key to decrease/increase by 10)
Alt + Down Arrow or Up ArrowDecrease or increase leading 2 points or pixels (Hold down Ctrl key to decrease/increase by 10)
Shft + Alt + Down Arrow or Up ArrowDecrease or increase baseline shift 2 points or pixels (Hold down Ctrl key to decrease/increase by 10)
Alt + Left Arrow or Right ArrowDecrease or increase kerning/tracking 20/1000 ems (Hold down Ctrl key to decrease/increase by 10)

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for slicing and optimizing keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                              Command
CtrlToggle between Slice tool and Slice Selection tool
Shft-dragDraw square slice
Alt-dragDraw from center outward
Shft + Alt-dragDraw square slice from center outward
Spacebar-dragReposition slice while creating slice

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using palettes keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                           Command
Alt-click New buttonSet options (except for Actions, Animation, Styles,Brushes, Tool Presets, and Layer Comps palettes) in Photoshop
Alt-click Delete buttonDelete without confirmation (except forthe Brushes palette)
Shft + EnterApply value and keep text box active
Ctrl-click channel, layer, or path thumbnail.Load as a selection in Photoshop
Ctrl + Shft-click channel, layer, or path thumbnail.Add to current selection
Ctrl + Alt-click channel, path, or layer thumbnail.Subtract from current selection
Ctrl + Shft + Alt-click channel, path, or layer thumbnail.Intersect with current selection
TabShow/Hide all palettes
Shft + TabShow/Hide all palettes except the toolbox andoptions bar
Select tool and press EnterHighlight options bar
Shft + Up Arrow/Down ArrowIncrease/decrease units by 10 in a pop-up menu

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Actions palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                Command
Alt-click the check mark next to a cmnd.Turn command on and all others off, or turns all commands on
Alt-clickTurn current modal control on and toggle all other modal controls
Alt double-click action setChange action set options in Photoshop actions pallete
Double-click set or actionsDisplay Options dialog box
Ctrl + double-click an actionPlay entire action
Alt-click the triangleCollapse/expand all components of an action
Ctrl-click the Play buttonPlay a command
Alt-click the New Action buttonCreate new action and begin recording without confirmation
Shft-click the action/cmndSelect contiguous items of the same kind
Ctrl-click the action/cmndSelect discontiguous items of the same kind

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Animation palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                      Command
Shft-click second frame.Select/deselect multiple contiguous frames
Ctrl-click multiple frames.Select/deselect multiple discontiguous frames in Photoshop Animation pallete
Alt + Paste Frames cmnd from the Palette pop*'up menuPaste using previous settings without displayingthe dialog box

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Animation palette Timeline Mode (Photoshop Extended Only) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                           Command
SpacebarStart playing the timeline or Animation palette
Alt + click the current-time displaySwitch between timecode and frame numbers (current time view).
(Alt + click the current-time display in the upper-left corner of the timeline).

Alt + clickExpand and collapse list of layers
Hold down the Shft key when clicking the Next/Previous Frame buttons (on either side of the Play buJump to the next/previous whole second in timeline (during playback)
Hold down the Shft key while dragging the current time.Increase playback speed in Photoshop Animation palette (Timeline mode)
Hold down the Ctrl key while dragging the current time.Decrease playback speed
Shft-dragSnap an object (keyframe, the current time, layer in point, and so on) to the nearest object in timeline
Alt-drag (first or last keyframe in the selection)Scale (evenly distribute to condensed or extended length) a selected group of multiple keyframes

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Clone Source keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Alt + ShftShow Clone Source (overlays image)
Alt + Shft + arrow keysNudge Clone Source
Alt + Shft + < or >Rotate Clone Source
Alt + Shft + [ or ]Scale (increase or reduce size) Clone Source

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Brushes palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Alt-click brushDelete brush
Double-click brushRename brush
[ or ]Decrease/increase brush size
Shft + [ or ]Decrease/increase brush softness/hardness in 25% increments
, (comma) or . (period)Select previous/next brush size
Shft + , (comma) or . (period)Select first/last brush
Caps LockDisplay precise cross hair for brushes
Shft Alt PToggle airbrush option in Photoshop brushes palette

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Channels palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                 Command
Alt-click buttonSet options for Save Selection as Channel button
Ctrl-click Create New Channel buttonCreate a new spot channel in Photoshop Channels palette
Shft-click color channelSelect/deselect multiple color-channel selection
Shft-click alpha channelSelect/deselect alpha channel and show/hide as a rubylith overlay
Double-click alpha or spot channel thumbnailDisplay channel options
~ (tilde)Display composite

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Color palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Alt-click color in color barSelect background color
Right-click color barDisplay Color Bar menu in Photoshop Color palette
Shft-click color barCycle through color choices

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the History palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                                      Command
Alt + New SnapshotCreate a new snapshot
Double-click snapshot nameRename snapshot
Ctrl + Shft + ZStep forward through image states
Ctrl Alt ZStep backward through image states in Photoshop History palette
Alt-click the image stateDuplicate any image state, except the current state
Alt + Clear History (in History palette pop‑up menPermanently clear history (no Undo)

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Info palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                     Command
Click eyedropper iconChange color readout modes
Click cross-hair iconChange measurement units

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Layer Comps palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                               Command
Alt-click Create New Layer Comp buttonCreate new layer comp + box
Double-click layer compOpen Layer Comp Options dialog box
Double-click layer comp nameRename inline
Shft-clickSelect/deselect multiple contiguous layer comps
Ctrl-clickSelect/deselect multiple discontiguous layer comps

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Layers palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                             Command
Ctrl-click layer thumbnailLoad layer transparency as a selection
Ctrl-click filter mask thumbnailLoad filter mask as a selection
Ctrl GGroup layers in Photoshop Layers palette
Ctrl + Shft + GUngroup layers
Ctrl + Alt + GCreate/release clipping mask
Ctrl + Alt + ASelect all layers
Ctrl + Shft + EMerge visible layers
Alt-click New Layer buttonCreate new empty layer with dialog box
Ctrl-click New Layer buttonCreate new layer below target layer
Alt . (period)Select top layer in Photoshop
Alt + , (comma)Select bottom layer
Shft + Alt + [ or ]Add to layer selection in Layers palette
Alt + [ or ]Select next layer down/up
Ctrl + [ or ]Move target layer down/up
Ctrl + Shft + Alt + EMerge a copy of all visible layers into target layer
Ctrl + EMerge down
Ctrl + Shft + [ or ]Move layer to bottom or top
Alt + Merge Down cmnd from the Palette pop*'up menuCopy current layer to layer below in Photoshop
Alt + Merge Visible cmnd from the Palette pop*'up menuMerge all visible layers to a new layer above the currently selected layer
Right-click the eye iconShow/hide this layer/layer group only or all layers/layer groups
Alt-click the eye iconShow/hide all other currently visible layers
/ (forward slash)Toggle lock transparency for target layer, or last applied lock
Double-click layer effect/styleEdit layer effect/style, options
Alt-double-click layer effect/styleHide layer effect/style
Double-click layerEdit layer style
Shft-click vector mask thumbnailDisable/enable vector mask in Photoshop
Double-click layer mask thumbnailOpen Layer Mask Display Options dialog box
Shft-click layer mask thumbnailToggle layer mask on/off
Shft-click filter mask thumbnailToggle filter mask on/off
Alt-click layer mask thumbnailToggle between layer mask/composite image
Alt-click filter mask thumbnailToggle between filter mask/composite image
\ (backslash), or Shft + Alt-clickToggle rubylith mode for layer mask on/off
Double-click type layer thumbnailSelect all type; temporarily select type tool
Alt-click the line dividing two layersCreate a clipping mask
Double-click the layer nameRename layer
Double-click the filter effectEdit filter settings
Double-click the Filter Blending iconEdit the Filter Blending options
Ctrl-click New Layer Set buttonCreate new layer set below current layer/layer set
Alt-click New Layer Set buttonCreate new layer set with dialog box
Alt-click Add Layer Mask buttonCreate layer mask that hides all/selection
Ctrl-click Add Layer Mask buttonCreate vector mask that reveals all/selection
Ctrl + Alt-click Add Layer Mask buttonCreate vector mask that hides all/selection
Right-click layer group or double-click groupDisplay layer group properties
Shft-clickSelect/deselect multiple contiguous layers
Ctrl-clickSelect/deselect multiple discontiguous layers

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Paths palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                           Command
Ctrl + Shft-click pathnameAdd path to selection
Ctrl + Alt-click pathnameSubtract a path from selection
Ctrl + Shft + Alt-click pathnameRetain intersection of path as a selection
Ctrl + Shft + HHide path
Alt-click buttonSet options for Fill Path with Foreground Color button, Stroke Path with Brush button, Load Path as a Selection button, Make Work Path from Selection button, and Create New Path button

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using the Swatches palette keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                      Command
Click in empty area of paletteCreate new swatch from foreground color
Ctrl-click swatchSelect background color
Alt-click swatchDelete color

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using Measurement (Photoshop Extended Only) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
Shft + Ctrl + MRecord a measurement
Ctrl + DDeselects all measurements
Ctrl + ASelects all measurements
Shft + Ctrl + HHide/show all measurements
BackspaceRemoves a measurement
Arrow keysNudge the measurement
Shft arrow keysNudge the measurement in increments in Photoshop
Left/right arrow keyExtend/shorten selected measurement
Shft + left/right arrow keyExtend/shorten selected measurement in increments
Ctrl + arrow keyRotate selected measurement
Shft + Ctrl + arrow keyRotate selected measurement in increments

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for using 3D tools (Photoshop Extended) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                              Command
OEnable 3D object tools
CEnable 3D camera tools
ShftConstrain 3D object tool/3D camera tool to a single direction of movement in Photoshop 3D tools
RRotate the 3D object/Orbit the 3D camera
LRoll the 3D object/Roll the 3D camera
HDrag the 3D object/Pan the 3D camera
SSlide the 3D object/Walk the 3D camera
ZScale the 3D object/Zoom the 3D camera

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Keys for working with DICOM files (Photoshop Extended) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                            Command
ZZoom tool
HHand tool
WWindow Level tool
Ctrl + ASelect all frames
Ctrl + DDeselect all frames
Right Arrow/Left ArrowNavigate through frames (Photoshop extended)

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Function keys keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                           Command
F1Invoke Help
F5Show/Hide Brushes palette in Photoshop
F6Show/Hide Color palette
F7Show/Hide Layers palette
F8Show/Hide Info palette in Photoshop
F9Show/Hide Actions palette
Shft + F5Fill
Shft + F6Feather Selection
Shft + F7Inverse Selection