Friday, May 18, 2012

Incredimail keyboard shortcuts

List of shortcut keys for Incredimail. In the IncrediMail Main Window keyboard shortcuts keys,While Viewing the Email Message keyboard shortcuts keys,Composed Message (New, Reply or Forward) keyboard shortcuts keys,Address Book keyboard shortcuts keys,Advanced Account Access keyboard shortcuts keys,Global Hotkeys keyboard shortcuts keys

Incredimail In the IncrediMail Main Window keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                           Command
Ctrl ASelect All
Ctrl Shft BOpen Address Book
Ctrl Shft ISelect 'Inbox' folder
Ctrl Shft OOpen 'Options' dialog
Ctrl+F11Display Notifier
Ctrl+F9Dismiss Notifier
Ctrl+DDelete email
Ctrl+FForward email
Ctrl+Shft+FFind email
Ctrl + MActivate 'Advanced Account Access'
Ctrl+NNew message
Ctrl+OOpen selected email
Ctrl+PPrint email
Ctrl+QMark email as 'read'
Ctrl+RReply to email
Ctrl+Shft+RReply to all email's corespondents
Down ArrowGo to next email
Up ArrowGo to previous email
F1Opens 'Help Center'
F3Find text
EnterOpens selected email
TABSkips to next field
Shft+TABSkip to previous field
Ctrl+TabSkip to next tab in 'Options' dialog
Ctrl+Shft+TabSkip to the previous tab in 'Options' dialog
Shft+DeletePermanently deletes email message
Ctrl + 1Show/hide 'Key Contact' list
Ctrl + 2Show/hide 'Preview Pane' in the IncrediMail main window
Ctrl+SOpen 'Select Skin' dialog
Ctrl+Shft+NOpen 'Select Notifier' dialog

Incredimail While Viewing the Email Message keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                                               Command
Ctrl + EInsert last Emoticon
Ctrl+> or Ctrl+Down ArrowGo to next message
Ctrl+< or Ctrl+Up ArrowGo to previous message
Ctrl+FForward message
Ctrl+NNew message
Ctrl+PPrint the message
Ctrl+RReply message
Ctrl+Shft+RReply all
EscapeCloses message
F3Find text
Alt+EnterShow properties of message

Incredimail Composed Message (New, Reply or Forward) keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                                         Command
Ctrl+FFind text
Ctrl+NNew message
Ctrl+PPrint message
Ctrl+SSave as draft
Alt+S or Ctrl+EnterSend message
Ctrl+Shft+SInsert signature
F1Opens the Help files
F3Find text
F5Randomize this Letter
Ctrl+F5'No background' message
F7Check spelling
F8Open/close the style box
TABSkips to next field
Shft+TABSkip to the previous field
Ctrl+ZUndo action (in edit space)
Ctrl+YRedo action (in edit space)
Ctrl+K or Alt+KResolves Contact person or group
Ctrl+Shft+AAdd attachments to message
Ctrl+Shft+JInsert picture
Ctrl+Shft+QOpen Voice Message Recorder
Ctrl+Shft+SAdd Signature
Ctrl+Alt+DSwitch writing direction
Ctrl+BBold text
Ctrl+IItalic text
Ctrl+UUnderline text
Ctrl+Shft+CFormat Painter mode

Incredimail Address Book keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                              Command
Ctrl+GNew group
Ctrl+NNew contact
F1Opens the Help files
Enter or Alt+EnterContact properties
Ctrl+TabSkip to the next tab(page) in Properties dialog
Ctrl+Shft+TabSkip to the previous tab(page) in Properties dialog
Ctrl+ZUndo action (during editing)
Ctrl+PPrint contact or group

Incredimail Advanced Account Access keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut                                     Command
Ctrl+BGet message
Ctrl+TStop retreiving messages
Shft + DeletePermanently delete email from server
F5Refresh message list

Incredimail Global Hotkeys keyboard shortcuts keys

Shortcut               Command
F6Check for new messages
F10Compose a new message
F12Open IncrediMail main window

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